Minggu, 31 Januari 2010

Megan Fox Hairstyles

Beauty and Beautiful are associated with Megan Fox. Her dark chocolate hair and very stylish hairstyles play a big role in the image she sends out. Some people wonder how she manages to get all these hairstyles and yet look stunning everyday. The answer could very well be that she takes very good of her hair and this is proven by her numerous visits to the best hair salons in California.

She also takes supplements and drinks beverages that are vital to great hair care. The pictures below show the many hairstyles she wears when she makes special appearances and you can see that they range tremendously in style and probably more so than any other actress today. Her favorite hairstyle though would be the wild out of bed look. It’s simple and sexy and it fits the person that she is normally and naturally.

That messy, bed head look seems to never go out of style. Luckily for us, getting Megan’s messy waves is very easy to do. Even if you don’t have super long and wavy hair, with the right tools and techniques, it’s a piece of cake. Prepare your hair by cleansing and moisturizing with a shampoo and conditioner specifically designed to promote waves and volume, like HALO by Graham Webb Curl Shampoo and Conditioner. Rinse thoroughly and towel dry hair.

Megan Fox Hairstyles

Beauty and Beautiful are associated with Megan Fox. Her dark chocolate hair and very stylish hairstyles play a big role in the image she sends out. Some people wonder how she manages to get all these hairstyles and yet look stunning everyday. The answer could very well be that she takes very good of her hair and this is proven by her numerous visits to the best hair salons in California.

She also takes supplements and drinks beverages that are vital to great hair care. The pictures below show the many hairstyles she wears when she makes special appearances and you can see that they range tremendously in style and probably more so than any other actress today. Her favorite hairstyle though would be the wild out of bed look. It’s simple and sexy and it fits the person that she is normally and naturally.

That messy, bed head look seems to never go out of style. Luckily for us, getting Megan’s messy waves is very easy to do. Even if you don’t have super long and wavy hair, with the right tools and techniques, it’s a piece of cake. Prepare your hair by cleansing and moisturizing with a shampoo and conditioner specifically designed to promote waves and volume, like HALO by Graham Webb Curl Shampoo and Conditioner. Rinse thoroughly and towel dry hair.

Megan Fox Hairstyles

Beauty and Beautiful are associated with Megan Fox. Her dark chocolate hair and very stylish hairstyles play a big role in the image she sends out. Some people wonder how she manages to get all these hairstyles and yet look stunning everyday. The answer could very well be that she takes very good of her hair and this is proven by her numerous visits to the best hair salons in California.

She also takes supplements and drinks beverages that are vital to great hair care. The pictures below show the many hairstyles she wears when she makes special appearances and you can see that they range tremendously in style and probably more so than any other actress today. Her favorite hairstyle though would be the wild out of bed look. It’s simple and sexy and it fits the person that she is normally and naturally.

That messy, bed head look seems to never go out of style. Luckily for us, getting Megan’s messy waves is very easy to do. Even if you don’t have super long and wavy hair, with the right tools and techniques, it’s a piece of cake. Prepare your hair by cleansing and moisturizing with a shampoo and conditioner specifically designed to promote waves and volume, like HALO by Graham Webb Curl Shampoo and Conditioner. Rinse thoroughly and towel dry hair.

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Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010

Matt Damon Hairstyle

Drawing inspiration from the hair style trends of our favorite stars and celebrities has become national past time. One such star hair style is Hollywood heartthrob Matt Damon. As a teen star his boyish good looks and long hair style served him well. Matt's new style cut has all the ladies watching his action packed moves. It’s no wonder he’s been voted People Magazine’s sexiest man alive.

TO GET THE LOOK: Are you thinking about trading in your regular boy’s hair cut for a new trendy look? If that’s the case, try Matt Damon’s style cut will give you a totally new image and identity. This action packed do’ loaded with sex appeal and a lethal “chick magnet”. To get the look, let’s take it one step at a time; starting with a style cut and shaping.

LET’S SHAPE IT: For Matt’s style, start with a contoured shape with close tapered sides and collar length neckline. The crown is combed forward and brushed to the side with a few love locks filling in the hairline. Matt’s hair style is ideal for straight or wavy hair and most face shape, especially those with strong facial features like Matt’s. With a few adjustments (trims) as it grows you can find the ideal length and shape for your style.

LET’S STYLE IT: Talk about easy styling, Matt’s stylish do’ almost styles itself. Start with a dab of shaping gel, styling foam or nothing at all. Just run either through damp hair and comb in place to dry
au natural. After, work a dab of pomade through the top and sides for a textured or spiky look and you’ve got Matt Demon’s star style!

LET’S ADD SIDEBURNS: Nothing can reshape a face or add a dramatic look like Sideburns. They can be full, close, long, short or narrow. This simple addition can make large ears appear smaller or a narrow face wider and definitely adds a stylish or artsy look. Include close short tapered sideburns and you’ve got the look.

NOW, LET’S COLOR IT: Actors like Matt Damon change their hair color often for the many characters the play so dying their hair is no big deal. Matt’s ash brown hair with gray around the edge is given a deep Coco brown hue with a semi permanent tint to define the shape and wash the gray away. After, a clear glaze is applied to seal-in the color and turn up the shine. To keep it up the new growth is colored with each or every other hair cut.

This cool trendy hair style has everything you need to kick your style appeal up big time! Starting with tapered collar length neckline and shapely sideburns plus a few short sexy “love locks” across the forehead to fill-in the blank spots. For a totally new identity, just add a dab of pomade and finger comb for a tousled or spiky look. Your stylish look is sure to have all your pals green with envy and asking “what’s up dude” when they see the hotties making a fuss over you and your Matt Damon hair style.

Matt Damon Hairstyle

Drawing inspiration from the hair style trends of our favorite stars and celebrities has become national past time. One such star hair style is Hollywood heartthrob Matt Damon. As a teen star his boyish good looks and long hair style served him well. Matt's new style cut has all the ladies watching his action packed moves. It’s no wonder he’s been voted People Magazine’s sexiest man alive.

TO GET THE LOOK: Are you thinking about trading in your regular boy’s hair cut for a new trendy look? If that’s the case, try Matt Damon’s style cut will give you a totally new image and identity. This action packed do’ loaded with sex appeal and a lethal “chick magnet”. To get the look, let’s take it one step at a time; starting with a style cut and shaping.

LET’S SHAPE IT: For Matt’s style, start with a contoured shape with close tapered sides and collar length neckline. The crown is combed forward and brushed to the side with a few love locks filling in the hairline. Matt’s hair style is ideal for straight or wavy hair and most face shape, especially those with strong facial features like Matt’s. With a few adjustments (trims) as it grows you can find the ideal length and shape for your style.

LET’S STYLE IT: Talk about easy styling, Matt’s stylish do’ almost styles itself. Start with a dab of shaping gel, styling foam or nothing at all. Just run either through damp hair and comb in place to dry
au natural. After, work a dab of pomade through the top and sides for a textured or spiky look and you’ve got Matt Demon’s star style!

LET’S ADD SIDEBURNS: Nothing can reshape a face or add a dramatic look like Sideburns. They can be full, close, long, short or narrow. This simple addition can make large ears appear smaller or a narrow face wider and definitely adds a stylish or artsy look. Include close short tapered sideburns and you’ve got the look.

NOW, LET’S COLOR IT: Actors like Matt Damon change their hair color often for the many characters the play so dying their hair is no big deal. Matt’s ash brown hair with gray around the edge is given a deep Coco brown hue with a semi permanent tint to define the shape and wash the gray away. After, a clear glaze is applied to seal-in the color and turn up the shine. To keep it up the new growth is colored with each or every other hair cut.

This cool trendy hair style has everything you need to kick your style appeal up big time! Starting with tapered collar length neckline and shapely sideburns plus a few short sexy “love locks” across the forehead to fill-in the blank spots. For a totally new identity, just add a dab of pomade and finger comb for a tousled or spiky look. Your stylish look is sure to have all your pals green with envy and asking “what’s up dude” when they see the hotties making a fuss over you and your Matt Damon hair style.

MAC in Lillyland (Lilly Pulitzer) Swatches collections

MAC in Lillyland (Lilly Pulitzer) Swatches. This collection brings us the perfect colors for spring, but it also makes me kinda sad since we're in the middle of winter :( . Yet looking at these bright colors help me to look forward to spring. The must have item in this collection is the Permatte face power, since it has the flower imprint and look so pretty. Perfect for the Mac Collectors!

Group Product Pictures

Swatches of Creme Blushes ( Perfect For Layering Over Powder Blushes For A long Lasting Look)

Joie-De-Vivre and Optimistic Orange

Swatches of Paint Pots ( Layer under eyeshadows to help your shadows stay longer)

Rubenesque and Fresco Rose

Swatches of Lipgelees ( Look like dazzleglasses X 10 for sparkling lips)

Shift To Pink and Lush & Bright

Swatch of Pearlmatte

Swirled Together

Swatch of Nail Polish Coconut Ice

MAC Give Me Liberty of London Collection

MAC Give Me Liberty of London Collection. The newest Mac Collection featuring pretty packaging will be the MAC Give Me Liberty of London Collection which hits stores March 11th. The packaging will be white with images of birds and flowers. Featured products in the collection include eyeshadows, beauty powders, blushes, lipglosses, lipsticks, and makeupbags. Look below to learn more.

The very latest in a series of famous M∙A∙Collaborations, it was only a matter of time before the demure-to-daring kaleidoscopic prints of Liberty of London coloured our world with Brit wit and bohemian chic. From the unstudied, Sienna Miller style of Spitalfields Market to the grit-and-glamour of Portobello Road, the swinging London girl has always been an unstoppable M·A·C makeup force! Spring 2010 insists on the ultimate flower fusion, with M∙A∙C joining forces with Liberty, creating cool Britannia compacts and Lipsticks, Eye Shadows, Powder, Blush, Nail Lacquers and, of course – blushing, bountiful, quite British accessories.

Beauty powder

  • Shell pearl - Pale peach with gold pearl
  • Summer Rose - Soft violet pink with pearl
Eye shadow

  • Give me liberty of London - Flat creamy pink (matte)
  • Free to be - Creamy true coral (matte)
  • Dame’s desire - Frosty mid-tone reddish purple (frost)
  • Birds & Berries - Frosted dark green blue (veluxe pearl)
  • Bough grey - Mid-tone blueish grey (satin)
  • Ever hip - Creamy light coral (cremesheen)
  • Peachstock - Neutral peach (satin)
  • Petals & Peacocks - Creamy bright magenta pink (amplified)
  • Blooming lovely - Creamy greyed lilac mauve (amplified)

  • Frankly fresh - Neutral pink beige with soft pearl
  • Perennial high style - Creamy bright pink coral
  • English accents - Creamy midtone blue pink
  • A different groove - Deep purple brown with pearl
Powder Blush
  • Prim & proper - Neutral nude
  • Dirty Plum - Sheer Dark Plum (Pro)
Nail Lacquer

  • Vestral white - Creamy white (cream)
  • Blue India - Dark green blue with pearl (cream)

  • Liberty of london makeup bag/small – MAC stores & online only - $ 22,00
    A limited-edition laminated makeup bag decorated with an exclusively created flower and bird pattern for the Give Me Liberty of London collection. Zip closure boasts a fabulously outsize floral pull. Measures 8″ x 2.75″ x 3.5″.
  • Liberty of london makeup bag/medium – MAC stores & online only - $ 25,00
    A limited-edition laminated makeup bag decorated with an exclusively created flower and bird pattern for the Give Me Liberty of London collection. Zip closure boasts a fabulously outsize floral pull. Measures 8″ x 2.75″ x 5″.
  • Liberty of london scarf – MAC stores & online only - $ 95,00
    A limited-edition scarf designed with an exclusively created floral pattern for the Give Me Liberty of London collection. Rows of coral, orange, yellow and blue flowers form a repeating pattern on a white background. The fabric is a soft wool/viscose blend. Made in Italy. Measures 27″ x 82″.

MAC Too Fabulous Collection

MAC Too Fabulous Collection. The MAC Too Fabulous Collection hits stores March 4th, and if you didn't get a chance to stock up on your cremesheen glasses last year now here's your chance. All of the shades will be permanent so if you don't have the funds now there's no rush. The collection will also feature lip pencils and Mineralize Blush duos.

Lips and cheeks get the pretty young thing treatment…Cremesheen Glass makes a comeback for Spring 2010. Introducing six new très jolie shades and three bring-back essentials, because the world wants more of this creamy, high-flying gloss formula that provides sheer, Just Superb colour with a touch of sex-o-shine!

To accentuate them, a combination of six Lip Pencils ranging from neutral to pinks and browns, to delight and define. And here’s a lovely thought: six new Mineralize Blush Duos are also making a limited appearance. Inspired by the original, they provide a gossamer sheer and lightweight application…all Too Fabulous.

Cremesheen glass (all will be permanent)

  • Just superb - Dirt neutral pink
  • Loud & lovely - Blue pink
  • Richer, Lusher - Peach coral
  • Double dare - Coral red
  • Deelight - Mid-tone neutral
  • Over indulgence - Neutral brown
  • Fashion scoop - Clear pink (repromote)
  • Partial to pink - Light peach pink (repromote)
  • Boy bait - Light nude (repromote)
Lip pencil
  • Boldy bare - Dirt red brown (LE)
  • Mouth off - Deep peach coral (LE)
  • Trimmed in pink - Bright blue pink (LE)
  • In Synch - Bright yellow pink (LE)
  • Naked liner - Light neutral (LE)
  • Chestnut - Intense brown

Smashbox Heartbreaker Collection

Smashbox Heartbreaker Collection. Just in time for Valentine's Day Smashbox brings us the Heartbreaker collection, because ever girl wants to break hearts on Valentine's day :). Also for those of you that don't know Smashbox is having a sale right now with some items going for 25-50% off. So you might want to check it out if you get some time. The collection is now in stores if you're interested in getting it before v-day to create soft and girly looks.

Eyeshadow Palette

* Hot Date Creme brulee, shimmering chestnut, champagne, shimmering azure, mint, and warm taupe
* Kiss ‘n Tell Ballet pink, hot pink, icy white, deep violet, charcoal, and peony

Fusion Soft Lights

* Baked Starlight White gold, bright pink, warm bronze, rosy pink, and ballet pink

Lip Shine

* Berry Hot
* Melon-Drama

Roller Gloss

* Pink Sugar

Liquid Liner Pen

An ultra-fine liquid eyeliner pen that can take you from sweet and sassy to ultra-seductive in just one sweep.

Mac All Ages, All Races, All Sexes Swatches and Review collections

Mac All Ages, All Races, All Sexes Swatches and Review. The idea behind this collection was brilliant, universal shades in which everyone can wear and look good in. Lately I've been a bit of a eyeshadow junkie, so of course I picked up all shades, along with lippies, and lipsticks. My favorite items from the collection would include Liqueur and Banshee which was simply gorgeous. Check out my swatches below.

Product Photos

Swatches of Lipglosses Liqueur and Naked Frost Plus Swatches of Lipsticks 5N, Empowered, and Myself.

Swatches of Eyeshadows All Races, Cross-Cultural, Banshee, Showstopper.

Embargo Buster pics

Some brands are still trying to tell us how they'd like their product publicised by us and recommended to readers by us, thank you very much. Pointless to invite on-line writers to a launch in November and insist it can't be spoken about until February 2010. So, hope you'll all love the new Vaseline body cream when you read about it next year. Of course, it's already all over the internet having launched in the states so I'd say its an ill-conceived embargo in the first place?

Jumat, 29 Januari 2010

Liv Tyler Hairstyle

Liv Tyler has consistently been a able extra who takes on assorted roles. She played the aggressive adherent of Jimmy in "That Thing You Do!" and she was the babe of Harry Stamper (played by Bruce Willis) in "Armageddon." She was the able she-elf Arwen in "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy. And she became Betty Ross in the "The Incredible Hulk."

However, alfresco of the argent screen, Live Tyler stirs up altered reactions from critics because of her hairstyles. On some days, she receives amorous thumbs down. And on added days, the accepted Liv Tyler hairstyle is hailed as incomparable.

Which of Liv Tyler's hairstyles are ideal for her?

What makes some Liv Tyler's hairstyles a big hit? And added importantly, why is it that some Liv Tyler's hairstyles concluded up in the bad beard canicule bin? Liv Tyler faces abounding challenges aback it comes to her hair. In fact, it is safe to accept that chief the Liv Tyler hairstyle is added difficult than arena her roles. But actuality is an attack to break the secrets of the bigger Liv Tyler hairstyles.

Understanding Liv Tyler's face shape

In the apple of hairstyling, it is an important law to abstraction the appearance of the face to analyze the best adulatory hairstyle. Then, the purpose of the hairstyle is to accomplish the face arise afterpiece to the face appearance that is advised as absolute - the egg-shaped shape. This sounds accessible on the surface, but there is one little problem. It is attenuate for any being to accept a audible face shape. The majority of faces tend to accept a aggregate of face shapes. And herein exists the aboriginal claiming to Liv Tyler's hairstyles.

Liv Tyler has a face appearance that combines the egg-shaped and the oblong. The combination, however, is not analogously balanced. On abutting assay of Liv Tyler's face shape, her face is dominantly oval. The aphorism for egg-shaped face shapes is that the arrangement of the breadth of the face, which begins from the aerial to the tip of the chin, and the width, which is abstinent beyond the cheeks, should be 1.5. Liv Tyler's face appearance actually meets this accurate requirement. But abounding hairstylists, after this algebraic carefulness in mind, tend to accept that Live Tyler's face is added ellipsoidal than oval, and again they actualize Liv Tyler hairstyles accordingly. The result, obviously, is not the best.

Playing up the face appearance through Liv Tyler's hairstyle

The best Liv Tyler hairstyles should assignment on the actuality that her face is actually added egg-shaped than oblong. There is an apparition of a added ellipsoidal face because of her adequate chin. But there are admirable Liv Tyler hairstyles that baffle the rules for ellipsoidal faces. For example, ellipsoidal faces should never abrasion continued beard styles because the breadth will added elongate the face. But Liv Tyler's added egg-shaped face can get abroad with best hair. Ellipsoidal faces should additionally abstain departing the beard at the middle. But abounding adorable Liv Tyler hairstyles are beggared in the middle.

Keep in apperception that Liv Tyler does not accept a altogether egg-shaped appearance of face. This agency that a little aberration adjoin the rules for egg-shaped face shapes will be abstract on her. The Liv Tyler hairstyles, therefore, charge be called actual carefully. The adequate account is that egg-shaped face shapes can action best types of hairstyles. For example, egg-shaped face shapes will attending abundant with abbreviate hair. Life Tyler's chichi abbreviate beard aback she was the presenter of Oscars in 1999 fabricated her attending actually stunning. But any beard breadth will be adequate for her. The predominantly egg-shaped appearance additionally allows for best Liv Tyler hairstyles.

However, there is a little claiming that lies forth Liv Tyler's hairline. She has abundant accomplished babyish hairs that can't be pulled back. This is why abounding Liv Tyler hairstyles accept bangs, and she couldn't get abroad with a bound pulled aback ponytail. The best Liv Tyler hairstyles are those that cautiously anatomy her face, bringing out the admirable antithesis of her facial features.

Liv Tyler Hairstyle

Liv Tyler has consistently been a able extra who takes on assorted roles. She played the aggressive adherent of Jimmy in "That Thing You Do!" and she was the babe of Harry Stamper (played by Bruce Willis) in "Armageddon." She was the able she-elf Arwen in "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy. And she became Betty Ross in the "The Incredible Hulk."

However, alfresco of the argent screen, Live Tyler stirs up altered reactions from critics because of her hairstyles. On some days, she receives amorous thumbs down. And on added days, the accepted Liv Tyler hairstyle is hailed as incomparable.

Which of Liv Tyler's hairstyles are ideal for her?

What makes some Liv Tyler's hairstyles a big hit? And added importantly, why is it that some Liv Tyler's hairstyles concluded up in the bad beard canicule bin? Liv Tyler faces abounding challenges aback it comes to her hair. In fact, it is safe to accept that chief the Liv Tyler hairstyle is added difficult than arena her roles. But actuality is an attack to break the secrets of the bigger Liv Tyler hairstyles.

Understanding Liv Tyler's face shape

In the apple of hairstyling, it is an important law to abstraction the appearance of the face to analyze the best adulatory hairstyle. Then, the purpose of the hairstyle is to accomplish the face arise afterpiece to the face appearance that is advised as absolute - the egg-shaped shape. This sounds accessible on the surface, but there is one little problem. It is attenuate for any being to accept a audible face shape. The majority of faces tend to accept a aggregate of face shapes. And herein exists the aboriginal claiming to Liv Tyler's hairstyles.

Liv Tyler has a face appearance that combines the egg-shaped and the oblong. The combination, however, is not analogously balanced. On abutting assay of Liv Tyler's face shape, her face is dominantly oval. The aphorism for egg-shaped face shapes is that the arrangement of the breadth of the face, which begins from the aerial to the tip of the chin, and the width, which is abstinent beyond the cheeks, should be 1.5. Liv Tyler's face appearance actually meets this accurate requirement. But abounding hairstylists, after this algebraic carefulness in mind, tend to accept that Live Tyler's face is added ellipsoidal than oval, and again they actualize Liv Tyler hairstyles accordingly. The result, obviously, is not the best.

Playing up the face appearance through Liv Tyler's hairstyle

The best Liv Tyler hairstyles should assignment on the actuality that her face is actually added egg-shaped than oblong. There is an apparition of a added ellipsoidal face because of her adequate chin. But there are admirable Liv Tyler hairstyles that baffle the rules for ellipsoidal faces. For example, ellipsoidal faces should never abrasion continued beard styles because the breadth will added elongate the face. But Liv Tyler's added egg-shaped face can get abroad with best hair. Ellipsoidal faces should additionally abstain departing the beard at the middle. But abounding adorable Liv Tyler hairstyles are beggared in the middle.

Keep in apperception that Liv Tyler does not accept a altogether egg-shaped appearance of face. This agency that a little aberration adjoin the rules for egg-shaped face shapes will be abstract on her. The Liv Tyler hairstyles, therefore, charge be called actual carefully. The adequate account is that egg-shaped face shapes can action best types of hairstyles. For example, egg-shaped face shapes will attending abundant with abbreviate hair. Life Tyler's chichi abbreviate beard aback she was the presenter of Oscars in 1999 fabricated her attending actually stunning. But any beard breadth will be adequate for her. The predominantly egg-shaped appearance additionally allows for best Liv Tyler hairstyles.

However, there is a little claiming that lies forth Liv Tyler's hairline. She has abundant accomplished babyish hairs that can't be pulled back. This is why abounding Liv Tyler hairstyles accept bangs, and she couldn't get abroad with a bound pulled aback ponytail. The best Liv Tyler hairstyles are those that cautiously anatomy her face, bringing out the admirable antithesis of her facial features.