Selasa, 24 April 2012

HKT48 and NMB48 as regulars in new TV show [Aru aru YY Terebi]

HKT48 and NMB48 both became regulars on a new TV show called Aru aru YY Terebi and broadcasted by TVQ, a local broadcasting station from Fukuoka, HKT48's home town. The show started April 23 and is broadcasted every week from Monday to Thursday night. HKT48 will appear every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, while Tuesday will feature NMB48 together with the comedian duo Bad Boys, the hosts of AKBINGO!. Every weekday a different comedy duo from Yoshimoto appears as hosts.

The shows topic is 'subculture'. The girls are supposed to learn the 'fascination of subcultures' through several different projects. From May on the show will be filmed publicly in a theatre belonging to Kokura Aru Aru city, a kind of event mall for 'Manga, Anime & Subcultures' in Kitakyushu.

Aru aru YY Terebi is the first regular TV show for HKT48.

Aru aru YY Terebi
Official Website:
TV Network: TVQ
Air Time: 24:53 ~ 25:23 (Mon/Tue/Thu); 25:08 ~ 25:38 (Wed)
Broadcast starts: 23 April 2012
Cast: HKT48 (Mon/Wed/Thu), NMB48 (Tue), Woman Rush Hour (Mon), Bad Boys (Tue), Pank Booboo (Wed), Chimonchochu (Thu)

Finally there's a regular show for HKT48, an opportunity to get to know the members better. The concept of the show sounds interesting too, so I am looking forward to this show.

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