Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

[News] 'Dream High' Comic Book to be published, HD screen captures + quotes from the series

Set to be published in 2 volumes, the ‘Dream High’ comic book will contain over 5,000 cuts from various screenshots along with famous lines from the show. Volume 1 will be released on March 30th, while Volume 2 will be released the first week of April.

In Volume 1 of the ‘Dream High Comic’ centers on some key, gemlike episodes. Starting with when Countryboy Song Samdong (played by Kim Soohyun) meets the stuck-up Go Hyemi (played by Suzy), to the nervewracking Kirin Arts School auditions, this first volume reveals up until when Jinkuk (played by Taecyeon) replaces Jason (played by Wooyoung) in the official school showcase.

Unlike the large-scale spectacle that was the drama, ‘Dream High Comic’ will be cute and charming like a comic book should be. Fans of the drama are anxious to see how all 16 episodes will be condensed into 2 volumes.

Much like the previously-released ‘Dream High Special Making Book’, ‘Dream High Comic’ is expected to become another bestseller.

Translation: janeberryblue @ WeHeartIU.com
Source: Seoul NTN
Original Article: http://news.nate.com.../20110330n33044 

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