Sabtu, 30 April 2011

'Idol' Finalist Jacob Lusk Was Arrested the Same Week He Auditioned

'American Idol' finalist Jacob Lusk barely made it on the show this season. The powerhouse singer was arrested in November--the same week he landed his golden ticket to Hollywood, the New York Daily News reports.

Lusk was caught riding a Los Angeles train without buying a ticket in 2009. After not showing up to his court appearance for the infraction, a warrant was issued for his arrest. And when he was pulled over for a traffic violation in November, he was arrested and thrown in jail.

He pleaded no contest to the 2009 charge and was sentenced to three days in jail and two years probation. According to, Lusk then pleaded with the judge to remove probation from the sentence, since it would mean 'Idol' would be forced to cut him.

The judge agreed--and his probation ended November 16, allowing him to compete.,feedConfig,entry&id=758652&pid=758651&uts=1273239157,aolsvc&omni=1&ke=1 Taylor was charged May 6 with raping a 16-year-old runaway who police said was forced into prostitution by a man who had beaten her up. He was arrest at a Holiday Inn in Montebello, NY and is also charged with solicitation.oKExp.start("popeatermusic-mugshots_trouble_scandals_vault");


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