Jumat, 06 April 2012

Matsui Jurina's Condition

Matsui Jurina's health has been in the spotlight lately.  A newspaper article wrote about how she almost died after the SKE48 tours in Namba and Tokyo; fans questioned management's decision on her concurrent participation in both SKE48 and AKB48; and her sudden absence from a recent SKE48 handshake event really had fans worried.

On April 1st, SKE48 manager Yuasa updated his twitter to say that Jurina was very sensitive to loud voices and noises, and that they are letting her sleep.

However on April 4th, a blog post from SKE48 management revealed that Jurina has been hospitalized and will remain there for a few days.  Here is the full translation:

With regards to Matsui Jurina's Health
First, we'd like to thank you for the support you have given for SKE48.
We understand your worries, and we are writing to let you know about Matsui Jurina's health and our plans from here on.
We had gotten reports in these past few months about her not feeling well.  After discussing with Jurina and her mother, as well as a doctor, we respected her wishes that she "does not want to take a break".
However, after withdrawing at the last minute from yesterday's handshake event, we were able to convince her that if she kept going, fans would be really worried.  She was then admitted to the hospital and will rest for a few days.
According to the diagnosis, her dizziness is caused by anemia, and she is definitely suffering from fatigue.  She will catch up on her sleep and we will make sure she is eating nutritious food.
Even though she says she is fine, the doctor, her mother, the on-site manager and the management will be in charge of her health from now on.
We are very sorry that this is causing the fans and relevant staff to worry, and we are grateful that the fans really care about her and are sending warm thoughts.
April 4th 2012
AKS Company Limited
SKE48 Management
Jurina also updated her g+:

I have been admitted to the hospital as of today.
I am sorry that everyone is worrying about me.
I will make sure I am eating well because I want to get better soon!!
But I am whining to my mother because I want to eat her hand-made meat sauce spaghetti.
Anyway, I have to sleep soon!!

And here is a message from Akimoto Yasushi today, after returning from an overseas business trip:

Jurina is recovering with her mother.  She is suffering from fatigue and anemia, but will be ok after sleeping and getting enough nutrition for a few days.  However we are not limiting her resting time and would like her to take as long as she needs to recover.
I have talked to them and let the know that they don't need to think about work at all.  I am sorry if this is causing sudden schedule changes in upcoming events.

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