សកម្មភាពតារាចម្រៀង និងតារាសម្តែង ក្នុងកម្មវិពី MAMA 2011 Red Carpet ដែលធ្វើឡើងនៅប្រទេសសិង្ហបូរី៕
Jumat, 30 Desember 2011
សកម្មភាពតារាបរទេសក្នុងឆ្នាំ (2011)
សកម្មភាពតារាចម្រៀង និងតារាសម្តែង ក្នុងកម្មវិពី MAMA 2011 Red Carpet ដែលធ្វើឡើងនៅប្រទេសសិង្ហបូរី៕
គង់ ចាន់រដ្ឋា ទាមទារប្រជាប្រិយភាពពី ហ្វាសប៊ុក
ភាពល្បីល្បាញស្តែងចេញពីចំណុចមួយរបស់ខ្លួន រួមទាំងការតស៊ូព្យាយាម ពុះពារ គ្រប់ឩបសគ្គ ទើបដល់ចំណុចមួយដែលជាចំណុចដ៏ល្អជោគជ័យលើថ្នាល់ជីវិត ។ ក្តីសង្ឃឹមថ្ងៃនេះ ស្តែងចេញនូវលទ្ឋផលថ្ងៃស្អែក ។លទ្ឋផលខ្លះដែលទទួលបានលុះត្រាតែខ្លួនឯងជួយខ្លួនឯង នឹងអ្នកជិតខាងធ្វើការគាំទ្រ ដែរ ជាក់ស្តែង វិថីជីវិតនៅលើសិល្បៈល្បីល្បាញទៅបានលុះត្រាណាមានអ្នកគាំទ្រ ។
ព្រាប សុវត្ត និង ឱក សុគន្ឋកញ្ញា ចូលរួមក្នុងកម្មវិធីរបស់ក្រុមហ៊ុន YAMAHA iMusic
កំពូលតារាចម្រៀងព្រាប សុវត្តិ និង កញ្ញា ឱក សុគន្ឋកញ្ញា នៅរសៀលនេះ កំពុងតែមានវត្តមានក្នុងការប្រគុំតន្ត្រីដ៏ធំក្នុងកម្មវិធី YAMAHA iMusic ក្នុងនោះដែរមានការចូលរួមពី យុវជនយុវនារីមកពីសាលាដូរតន្រ្តីវិចិត្រសិល្បៈផងដែរ។ការប្រគំតន្ត្រីនេះធ្វើឡើង នៅក្នុងសណ្ឋាគារ Sofitel ដ៏ប្រណិត ។
សកម្មភាពប្រេសស៊ី ២០១១ របស់ទូរទស្សន៍ប៉ុស្តិ៍លេខ៣
នេះជាសកម្មភាពប្រេសស៊ី ឆ្នាំ ២០១១ របស់ទូរទស្សន៍ប៉ុស្តិ៍លេខ ៣ នៅក្នុងការដាក់បង្ហាញឧបករណ៍តន្រ្តីរបស់ហាងលក់ឧបករណ៍ I Music ដែលមានម៉ាក់ YAMAHA៕
AKB48's [Flying Get] wins the 53rd Japan Record Award
AKB48's best selling single [Flying Get] has won the grand award at the 53rd Japan Record Awards! Congratulations!!!!!
Held by TBS today at the New Nation Theater Tokyo, the 53rd Japan Record Awards is an annual awards show for outstanding achievement made during the year, not restricted by genre. The Japan Record Award itself is given to the top artist.
Also nominated were Nishino Kana, KARA, AAA, JUJU, Mizumori Kaori, Hikawa Kiyoshi, FUNKY MONKEY BABYS, TVXQ, and Ikimono-gakari. We wish the the best of luck for next year.
With AKB48's tremendous growth and all 5 of their singles this year dominating the top 5 positions in single sales for this year, it might be no surprise that they won. Here's the comments from the members during the show:
Maeda Atsuko: "I would like to thank our fans and the staffs who have given us support. And i wuold also like to thank Akimoto Yasushi-sensei. And everyone else who has give us their support."OMG I'm super happy for them. Took them 6 years of hard work and lots of tears but they finally made it. A very great way to end the year. Well the song isn't really that great IMO, but sales wise it's the top of the top. Once again, congratulations to AKB48, and not forgetting Akimoto Yasushi too for their hard work!
Takahashi Minami: "It's be exactly one year and everyone has worked hard and I'm very happy that we are able to receive this award. It's all thanks to the support we have received from everyone. I hope we are able to share this sense of joy with the fans."
Oshima Yuko: "We were filled with anxiety and expectations about the award. Flying Get is a Sousenkyo song, I don't think it would be wrong to call it a song chose by the fans. I would really like to thank all the fans."
Akimoto Yasushi: "Everyone really worked hard, I think they really gave their all during the 5 years."
Kamis, 29 Desember 2011
AKB48 in 62nd Kohaku Uta Gassen updates
Only one day left till the 62nd Kouhaku uta Gassen! Here's some updates about AKB48's appearance in this prestigious annual show.
AKB48 will be the 5th artist to perform on the show, with their song [Kouhaku 2011 AKB48 Special MIX ~Ganbarou Nihon~]. The song is a special medley of Kaze wa Fuiteiru, Flying Get, and Everyday, Kachuusha.
And accompanying AKB48 (75 members) on stage will be all of their fellow sister groups: SKE48 (48 members), NMB48 (16 members), HKT48 (16 members), SDN48 (39 members), and JKT48 (16 members). That's a total of 210 members on the stage. Do they really want to break the stage so much? It looks quite overcrowded up there.
By the way last year the number of performers under AKB48 was 130. An increase of 80 members for this year.
This will be SDN48's, HKT48's and JKT48's first time appearing on Kouhaku, although HKT48 and JKT48 have participated on the AKB48 Kouhaku Taikou Uta Gassen last week. Both of them just debuted only a few months ago.
You can view pictures of the Kouhaku rehearsal over at Modelpress
Rabu, 28 Desember 2011
AKB48 Glossary
To help the newer fans of AKB48 and all it's sister groups, I decided to create a glossary of all the terms and other important stuff used in the 48 universe. It may be helpful as you go along learning about the groups.
This glossary is (as of December 28 2011) identical to the one located on the menu below the blog banner. Do leave a comment if you think there are terms that we are missing or incorrect.
Feel free to share it around but please credit back. Creating this took countless days and nights of research.
So let's start
The first group out of the 48 franchise. Formed in 2005, AKB stands for AKihaBara, as their theater is located in the Don Quixote in Akihabara district of Tokyo.
For a few months after AKB48 started out, they were known as Akihabara48. The entrance to the AKB48 Theater still shows the old name.
AKB48's first sister group, based in SaKaE, Nagoya. They were created in 2008 and their theater is located in the Sunshine Sakae building
A more adult version of AKB48, SDN48 stands for SaturDayNight48. All SDN48 members are above 20 years old, and do not have to follow the normal idol rules (no drinking, smoking, etc). SDN48 shares the same theater with AKB48
SDN48 is due to disband on March 2012.
The second 48 sister group, and the first in the Kansai region, based in NaMBa, Osaka. They debuted in 2010 and currently only have Team N.
The third and newest addition to the 48 family, debuting only in 2011. HKT is short for HaKaTa, in the Fukuoka prefecture. They do not have any Teams formed yet.
The first legitimate 48 group outside of Japan. JKT48 is based in JaKarTa, Indonesia.
Another overseas OOO48 group in the works, but we haven't heard anything about it since October 2011. TPE is TaiPEi, in Taiwan.
Stands for OJiiSan48, they are a group of 16 retired police officers. They released a single [Shinkokyuu] which didn't really sell much, and now work as security guards in AKB48 events.
AKB48's official "rival group", also produced by Akimoto Yasushi.
The company that operates AKB48, SKE48, SDN48, and HKT48. AKS is also the talent agency for AKB48 members until an external agency recruits them.
It is rumoured that the name 'AKS' is actually the initials of the 3 most important men IN THE WORLD: 'Akimoto Yasushi', 'Kubota Yasushi', 'Shiba Kotaro'.
Pythagoras Promotion:
Used to be SKE48's operating company until November 2011, when they merged with AKS and the staff moved over. Pythagoras Promotion is also the talent agency for all the SKE48 girls until the merger. 'Pythagoras Promotion' is shortened to 'PYP'
Yoshimoto Kyogyo:
NMB48's operating company. Yoshimoto is the biggest comedy company in Japan.
The company that deals with AKB48's advertising. Dentsu is one of the biggest advertising agency in the world.
Akimoto Yasushi (秋元康):
Creator and Producer (and overall Boss) of the 48 groups. Nicknamed Aki-P (The 'P' stands for 'Producer').
Kubota Yasushi (窪田康志):
The boss of AKS. He is not related to Akimoto Yasushi btw.
Shiba Kotaro (芝幸太郎):
The boss of office48. The '48' in 'AKB48' also came from him (Shiba = 48).
Togasaki Tomonobu (戸賀崎智信):
AKB48 Theater Manager. Also known as TGSK. He writes the AKB48 Official Blog, and makes announcements at the end of concerts.
Nishiyama Kyoko (西山恭子):
More commonly known as Saruobasan (サルオバサン), she is in charge of Public Relations in the AKB Theater, and also the AKB and SDN members well-being.
Chino Shinobu (茅野しのぶ):
AKB48's stylist, in charge of their costumes.
Gunji Yoshitaka (郡司善孝):
Head of theater staff.
Ishitani Yasuhiko (石谷靖彦):
Head of AKB48 Ticket Center
Yuasa Hiroshi (湯浅洋):
SKE48 Theater Manager.
Kaneko Takeshi (金子剛):
NMB48 Theater Manager.
Equivalent of the word otaku, wota are the fans of Japanese idol groups.
Don Quixote (Akihabara):
Where the AKB48 Theater is located in Akihabara, Tokyo. Don Quixote is actually a chain of discount stores in Japan. The name is often shortened to Donki. AKB48's Theater is on the 8th floor.
A theater in Tokyo that AKB48 used for some time back in 2008-2009 for their Himawari-gumi stages, and also for the Infinity theater play.
There have been plans to use the G-Rosso stage once again, but so far as of 2011 nothing has been announced.
Sunshine Sakae:
Where the SKE48 Theater is located in Sakae, Nagoya, on the. The building has a giant ferris wheel on the exterior. SKE48's Theater is located on the 2nd floor.
Yes Namba:
Where the NMB48 Theater is located. The theater is actually underground.
Hawks Town Mall:
Where the HKT48 Theater is located. HKT stands for the HaKaTa district in the Fukuoka prefecture, but the HKT Theater is in the Chuo District. The theater is located on the 2nd floor.
Meaning 'selection', the Senbatsu members of a single are the members selected by Akimoto Yasushi to promote the single. They get featured on the A-side of the single. Senbatsu is usually 16 members
Media Senbatsu:
The top 12 ranked members in the Senbatsu election, who get additional privileges such like performing on music shows, appearing on magazines, and other various media.
The members that did not make the cut for Senbatsu. They get their own B-Side and even a PV, but their song is rarely played in the media. This grouping is not limited to the Senbatsu Election.
Theater Girls:
An additional grouping named the Theater Girls in previous AKB48 and SKE48 singles, which were populated by the remaining AKB48/SKE48 members who did not make the cut for Undergirls. The grouping has since been discontinued.
Not an actual grouping, but a loose term used by the fans for the usual 18 or so girls usually chosen as Senbatsu. They are called frontigrls because they are always at the front.
The term used for the top 7 members of AKB48. Kind of "The Untouchables" you could say". And those members are, in ranking order:
Maeda Atsuko, Oshima Yuko, Shinoda Mariko, Watanabe Mayu, Kojima Haruna, Takahashi Minami and Itano Tomomi.
Kami8 / (new) Kami7:
In the 3rd Senbatsu Election (2011), Itano Tomomi (ranked #8) got beaten by Kashiwagi Yuki (ranked #3). Some fans came up with the term Kami8, which was just the original Kami7 + Kashiwagi.
Others just removed Itano completely from the Kami7 naming.
Others still just called blasphemy and kept the Kami7 unchanged.
Just your preference which one you want to use.
Team PB / Team YJ, YJ7 / YM7:
A collaborative unit, between AKB48 and gravure magazine PlayBoy (PB) / Young Jump (YJ) / Young Magazine (YM), made up of 7 girls each.
In 2010 it was a battle between team PB and Team YJ, and in 2011 it was Team YJ again, now called YJ7, vs YM7.
Selection 8:
SKE48's version of AKB48's Kami7, and an actual grouping.
NMB Seven:
Just like Selection 8.
Akagumi / Shirogumi:
Meaning 'Red Team' and 'White Team', it is used by SKE48 and NMB48 in place of Undergirls. The names probably originated from the Kouhaku Uta Gassen
The members of AKB48, and each of their sister groups, are split into 3 teams each consisting of 16 members. Another reason why 'AKB48' is '48' is because 3 teams of 16 adds up to 48. The letters assigned to the Teams are from the 3 letters that make up the group name (AKB48: Team A, Team K, Team B).
Team 4 / Team 8:
Because no AKB48 members were graduating for quite a long time, the number of Kenkyuuseis kept rising and rising after every audition. So on July 2011, a new team was formed, called 'Team 4', for the kenkyuuseis . As of December 2011, only AKB48 has Team 4, and no Team 8 has been formed yet.
Officially translated to Research Students, the Kenkyuuseis are a support team whose role is to substitute for a member of the main group if she is unable to perform on that day. Additionally, when a member of the main group graduates, a Kenkyuusei is promoted to replace her.
Substitutes for a member if she is unable to perform during a stage. Usually by Kenkyuuseis but sometimes a main member is a full AKB member.
Usage: Izuta Rina is Maeda Atsuko's under
Bara-gumi / Yuri-gumi:
Back in 2006, Akimoto Yasushi had the idea of shuffling around the members of Team A and Team K, and naming the new teams 'Bara-gumi' (Rose Class) and 'Yuri-gumi' (Lily Class). That plan was dropped because of heavy opposition from the fans.
Then in 2011 for AKB48's [Kaze wa Fuiteiru] single, Bara-gumi and Yuri-gumi were revived as 'Undergirls Bara-gumi' and 'Undergirls Yuri-gumi'.
Meaning 'Sunflower Class', A side team formed in 2008 comprising members from Team A and Team K. They performed 2 stages [Boku no Taiyou] and [Yume wo Shinaseru Wake ni Ikenai], but then stopped.
Stages / Stage shows:
A group on songs, usually 16, which teams perform in their theater. Each team has their own unique stage. Usually after about a year, a team is given a new stage to perform.
Units / Unit songs:
For a couple of songs during a stage, the team is split up further into 5 units. Units usually consist of 3 to 4 members.
Unit Shuffle:
Sometimes during concerts, the members performing a unit song are changed.
2009 AKB48 Team Shuffle:
At the end of the [AKB48 104 Senbatsu Member Sokkaku Matsuri] concert in Nippon Budokan, it was announced that all AKB48 teams will be shuffled.
Kage ana:
Meaning "shadow announcer", it is the member making the announcements to the audience before the stage or concert starts.
A break between songs during which the members talk about a given topic. This is done so that the other members backstage have enough time to change costumes for the next song.
Wasei-eigo for "high five". At the end of stage shows, you get to "high-touch" with the members.
The very first performance of a stage.
The very last performance of a stage.
When the management decided that they shouldn't have ended the stage so early. So they revive the previous stage.
Meaning 'Birthday Festival', Seitansai is a special stage performance where a member's birthday is celebrated. A seitansai can take place up to 1 month after the actual member's birthday.
Short for 'Live on Demand'. It's a service where you can purchase a video of a past performance in the AKB48 Theater. SKE48 also has a LOD service.
Where you can buy 48 LODs.
Handshake events. The tickets to these events usually come in Singles.
2shot events. A 2shot is a photo with 2 people inside. So a 2shot would be you + 1 akb member.
3shot would be you + 2 akb members, and so on.
Senbatsu Election:
Started in 2009, for 1 single each year the fans get a chance to vote for which members they want in a single. The Senbatsu Election is not limited to AKB48 members, so the sister groups get to take part in it too.
Only the top 40 members are shown during the election. The top 21 members get to be in Senbatsu, and the remaining are in the Undergirls.
Janken Tournament:
Janken is the Japanese name for 'Rock, Paper and Scissors'. The Janken Tournament is another of Akimoto's ideas to decide the Senbatsu members of a single, purely based on luck.
From 'oshiteru member' which literally translates to 'the member you want to push', generally it means your most favorite member whom you will always be supporting. You should never have more than one Oshimen in the same group.
When you change your Oshimen from one member to another. Generally not accepted and heavily discouraged.
Literally 'God Oshi'. Kami-Oshi is your most important oshi out of all your oshimens (from different groups of course).
Short for 'Daredemo Daisuki', which means 'I love anyone'. Applies to anyone with multiple oshimens in the same group.
Short for 'Minna Daisuki', which means 'I love everybody'. Similar to DD, but with an oshimen.
No Sleeves 8th Single [Pedicure day], SDN48 4th Single [Kudokinagara Azabu Juuban] 1st Day Sales
No Sleeves's 8th single [Pedicure day] and SDN48's 4th single [Kudokinagara Azabu Juuban] both released earlier today. This is the first time 2 48-related groups released in the same week.
SDN48 managed to take the top spot, selling 57k copies. Despite this single possibly being the farewell single, there was barely any increase in sales numbers. Their previous single MIN.MIN.MIN also sold 57k on it's first day (actually it sold 600 more to be exact).
No Sleeves trailed behind in 2nd place, selling 47k. The good news is that it managed to increase it's sales compared to Kuchibiru Furezu... .
I really expected SDN's single to sell more seeing as this could be their last single but then again with the lack of promotion done for them, I shouldn't be surprised. They will be promoting their single in Happy Music next week and Music Japan in three weeks (its already been recorded) but beside these, there have been no other shows.
How will both of them fare for the weekly chart? Let's check back on sunday.
Selasa, 27 Desember 2011
NMB48 Kenkyuusei Otani Riko to Graduate
As announced in the NMB48 Theatre, 2nd Generation Kenkyuusei Otani Riko will graduate from NMB48. The reason given is that she wants to focus on her studies. The graduation date has not been announced yet.
Another 2nd Generation member, Takiyama Akane, just graduated from NMB48 a few days ago on December 22 for the same reasons and now we have another NMB48 graduation.
I wonder what is happening with NMB48's 2nd Generation. They aren't featured much and instead of moving forward, the members now start to graduate.
Anyways, I wish Riko all the best for the future.
Otani Riko Graduation Message
translated by Miss Moonlight
I have an important announcement to make.Original Message
I, Otani Riko, will graduate from NMB48. I am really sorry to everyone who supported me all the time since our appearance at TCD Hall in June until now. Since the audition, repeatedly I felt conflicts inside me. Every time that happened I remembered that I was chosen among so many applicants and that I was able to meet you all, and thinking ‘Alright, let’s do my best’ I worked hard.
I am a 3rd year junior high school student, so I had a big wall called ‘exam’ in front of me. I thought I could balance it with my activities in NMB48, but going to the senior high school I want to go to is difficult while balancing both activities and I could not completely give up on going to the high school I want to go to.
I was able to make a lot of experiences, like meeting with you all as an NMB48 member or things normal girls cannot experience and things that you just don’t know unless you enter (the group).
The theatre shows as an NMB48 member where I had fun with all of you, the handshake events where I could meet a lot of people, those were a great time. Thank you.
I am also really thankful to the staff who supported NMB48. I think that I was able to come this far thanks to you all and to all the members. Thank you very much.
Senin, 26 Desember 2011
Sashihara Rino to Star in Drama [Muse no Kagami]

Sashihara Rino will be starring in a new late-night drama, [Muse no Kagami] (Muse's Mirror). The show is a 24-episode drama which will be shown on NTV every Thursday at 25:55 ~ 26:10 starting from January 14th 2012.
The story is about a girl with no redeeming features, Mukada Maki (acted by Sashiko), who was discovered by Okita Ryuu (who used to be a famous actor) and how she grew and aimed to become an actress. The style of the drama will be a classic drama acted with a taste of Daiei Drama which was popular in the 70's and 80's. What we can look forward to will be how Mukuda Maki, who is only interested in acting, deter other guys' advances on her as she become famous and people start to realize her charm.
The scriptwriter for this drama series is "King of Late-night Drama", Fukuda Yuuichi, he has written the scripts for many drama series such as Yuusha Yoshihiko to Maou no Shiro, 33pun Tantei and my personal favourite, 1 Pound no Fukuin.
Personally, I think the script fits Sashiko perfectly, it's probably kinda like how her life in AKB has been like till now, from 27th to 19th to 9th placing in senbatsu sousenkyo, with her solo CM which started airing since December 23rd, and her solo photobook which will be on sale on January 19th. I might actually see this drama as a biography of Sashiko. Lol.
Sashiko's comments about starring in this drama, "This is my first time playing a main-role in a drama, and I'm very worried about my acting skills, whether they are good enough. I will definitely do my very best, in order no to cause trouble to the actors who will be working with me. I'm looking forward to finding out what kind of world has Fukuda-san created for me!!!"
Muse no Kagami (ミューズの鏡)
Channel: NTV
Schedule: Weekly every Thursday
Timing: 25:55 ~ 26:10
Official Website: http://www.ntv.co.jp/muse/
Starts: 14/01/2012
P.S. Filming starts on 06/01/2012. So now you know the date to start stalking her on G+ :)
SDN48 4th Single [Kudokinagara Azabu Juuban duet with Mino Monta]
repost. the original got deleted somehow.
SDN48 will be releasing their 4th single, and possibly their last too. The single is titled [Kudokinagara Azabu Juuban duet with Mino Monta] (口説きながら麻布十番 duet with みの もんた)*gasps for air* and will feature them with famous TV Presenter Mino Monta.
Well who is he? You could say he is one of the most famous old men in Japan. I don't know why they picked him though... I mean, there are the guys in OJS48... Anyway the duet song is described to be a New Years song, which fits the occasion as the single will release on December 28th 2011.
Senbatsu for this single is only 8 members: Akita Kazue, Kohara Haruka, Noro Kayo, Ohori Megumi, Sato Yukari, Serina, Urano Kazumi, and KONAN. With just 8 members, this is the smallest Senbatsu SDN48 has ever had.
There will be 2 versions for Kudokinagara Azabu Juuban duet with Mino Monta, both with a common B-side and their own unique B-side song. TYPE A's b-side is [Kamujatan Bojou] (カムジャタン慕情). Kamujatan is actually a Korean dish Gamatang, and Bojou means "longing".
And TYPE B's b-side is [Kashaasa de Jihaku suru] (カシャーサで自白する). Cachaça, is a liquor that originates from Brazil that is made from fermented sugarcane. I never knew they have it in Japan. So Korean and Brazilian eh? Hmmmm do I have any readers from Brazil? Do give a shoutout in the comments!
Honestly, I don't know what to say about this single. I mean I'm glad that the management decided to give SDN48 a single before they head off, but of all things it has to be about them swooning over a rich old guy? Also if this is supposed to be the farewell single, why is there even a senbatsu? If it's farewell then it should be the group as a whole. Unless they plan to release another single in 2012. Milking the fans till the end I see.
SDN48 4th Single
Kudokinagara Azabu Juuban duet with Mino Monta
口説きながら麻布十番 duet with みの もんた
28 December 2011
Senbatsu - Kudoki nagara Azabu Juuban duet with Mino Monta (口説きながら麻布十番 duet with みの もんた)
1st Gen: Noro Kayo, Akita Kazue, Kohara Haruka, Ohori Megumi, Sato Yukari, Serina, Urano Kazumi
2nd Gen: KONAN
Undergirls Team G - Yaritagariya-san (やりたがり屋さん)
1st Gen:Kouchi Masami, Okouchi Misa, Tezuka Machiko
2nd Gen: Aikawa Yuki,Fujikoso Yumi,Fukuda Akane, Hosoda Miyuu, Matsushima Rumi, Natsuko
3rd Gen: miray, Siyeon, Tojima Hana
Undergirls A - Kamujatan Bojou (カムジャタン慕情)
1st Gen: Chen Qu, Hatakeyama Chisaki, Kondo Sayaka, Nachu,
2nd Gen: Akiko, Kimoto Yuki, Takahashi Yui, Tsuda Marina
3rd Gen: Komatani Hitomi, Shinahama Saemi
Undergirls B - Kashaasa de Jihaku suru (カシャーサで自白する)
1st Gen: Imayoshi Megumi, Kaida Juri, Kato Mami, Mitsui Hiromi, Nishikunihara Reiko, Umeda Haruka
2nd Gen: Ito Mana, Oyama Aimi
3rd Gen: Kojo Seara
SDN48 will be releasing their 4th single, and possibly their last too. The single is titled [Kudokinagara Azabu Juuban duet with Mino Monta] (口説きながら麻布十番 duet with みの もんた)*gasps for air* and will feature them with famous TV Presenter Mino Monta.
Well who is he? You could say he is one of the most famous old men in Japan. I don't know why they picked him though... I mean, there are the guys in OJS48... Anyway the duet song is described to be a New Years song, which fits the occasion as the single will release on December 28th 2011.
Senbatsu for this single is only 8 members: Akita Kazue, Kohara Haruka, Noro Kayo, Ohori Megumi, Sato Yukari, Serina, Urano Kazumi, and KONAN. With just 8 members, this is the smallest Senbatsu SDN48 has ever had.
There will be 2 versions for Kudokinagara Azabu Juuban duet with Mino Monta, both with a common B-side and their own unique B-side song. TYPE A's b-side is [Kamujatan Bojou] (カムジャタン慕情). Kamujatan is actually a Korean dish Gamatang, and Bojou means "longing".
And TYPE B's b-side is [Kashaasa de Jihaku suru] (カシャーサで自白する). Cachaça, is a liquor that originates from Brazil that is made from fermented sugarcane. I never knew they have it in Japan. So Korean and Brazilian eh? Hmmmm do I have any readers from Brazil? Do give a shoutout in the comments!
Honestly, I don't know what to say about this single. I mean I'm glad that the management decided to give SDN48 a single before they head off, but of all things it has to be about them swooning over a rich old guy? Also if this is supposed to be the farewell single, why is there even a senbatsu? If it's farewell then it should be the group as a whole. Unless they plan to release another single in 2012. Milking the fans till the end I see.
SDN48 4th Single
Kudokinagara Azabu Juuban duet with Mino Monta
口説きながら麻布十番 duet with みの もんた
28 December 2011
Senbatsu - Kudoki nagara Azabu Juuban duet with Mino Monta (口説きながら麻布十番 duet with みの もんた)
1st Gen: Noro Kayo, Akita Kazue, Kohara Haruka, Ohori Megumi, Sato Yukari, Serina, Urano Kazumi
2nd Gen: KONAN
Undergirls Team G - Yaritagariya-san (やりたがり屋さん)
1st Gen:Kouchi Masami, Okouchi Misa, Tezuka Machiko
2nd Gen: Aikawa Yuki,Fujikoso Yumi,Fukuda Akane, Hosoda Miyuu, Matsushima Rumi, Natsuko
3rd Gen: miray, Siyeon, Tojima Hana
Undergirls A - Kamujatan Bojou (カムジャタン慕情)
1st Gen: Chen Qu, Hatakeyama Chisaki, Kondo Sayaka, Nachu,
2nd Gen: Akiko, Kimoto Yuki, Takahashi Yui, Tsuda Marina
3rd Gen: Komatani Hitomi, Shinahama Saemi
Undergirls B - Kashaasa de Jihaku suru (カシャーサで自白する)
1st Gen: Imayoshi Megumi, Kaida Juri, Kato Mami, Mitsui Hiromi, Nishikunihara Reiko, Umeda Haruka
2nd Gen: Ito Mana, Oyama Aimi
3rd Gen: Kojo Seara
Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011
Because You Were There for Me: Kasai Tomomi
From Shukan Asahi's interview series, we have a story about Kasai Tomomi talking about a valuable lesson taught to her by Natsu-sensei. Team K is family, 'nuff said.
The difference between "getting along well" and "true friendship" taught to me by Natsu-sensei
Translated by mammothb
In spring 2006, I entered AKB the same time when Team K was formed. Along with me were 16 other girls of various ages and characters. I thought that there were sure to be endless disputes among us, but on the contrary, everyone got along really well from the start.
I was being sensible as well and held back from making too much opinions. Honestly, I thought that as long as I compromise it would all be fine.
Our choreographer, Natsu Mayumi-sensei's hellish lessons were worse than I have imagined. We practised from morning to night, for more than 15 hours a day, these lessons continued for around a month. After overcoming the harsh lessons, it was time for our first performance. We won't lose to our Team A senpais! And so that was what we did......or rather, what we intended to do.
However, after the performance, the words that Natsu-sensei told us was harsher beyond our imagination.
"Today's performance, was the worst. The problem lies somewhere more fundamental than techniques. AKB doesn't need a Team like this."
We thought that Natsu-sensei would definitely welcome us with a smile and say, "You have done your best, good job."...... After hearing Natsu-sensei's words, some members broke down and some were so shocked that they went into hyperventilation. In our own way, we have survived this 1 month of harsh lessons. We worked hard in order not to have any arguments and disagreements among us. Tears rolled down my cheeks due to frustration. Even as a sensei, such words are way too harsh! It really pisses me off! I shall discuss with everyone and go on strike! Looking around me, I realized that there wasn't any member I could discuss this with......
If it's about cakes and TV programmes, we would all be able to talk about them passionately. However, even though we have worked so hard together, there is no one whom I can call a bosom friend. I think it's the same for other members as well. We all felt that there's no one whom we can really open up our hearts to. At that moment, I sort of understood the meaning behind Natsu-sensei's words.
After that, members of Team K began to voice out their different opinions and have disputes without restraints, and became a super sporty team. I no longer compromised and voiced out my opinions. "That kind of MC won't heat up the atmosphere!" "You always lag on the dance step at that place right? Correct it!"
I think I've also said some things that aren't correct. But I've learnt to voice out all my opinions. For example, (Akimoto) Sayaka is weak under pressure, and easily blow her fuse. And there were cases when people around her became victims to that. That's why I said it, "That should be the way right?!" and Sayaka would then apologize. At that point, (Miyazawa) Sae would follow up and say, "Sayaka works twice as hard as others, that's why it became like that, right?"
And our teamwork was born like that. Of course, my weakness was also pointed out, and worked hard to correct it. We would share each other's pain and became "Clashing souls".
After continuing like this for half a year, we performed our first solo concert in Nippon-Seinenkan. When it ended, we saw Natsu-sensei waiting for us. After seeing us, Natsu-sensei cried. "Everyone, you've worked hard...... You've all become one together......"
It was the first time that sensei has praised us. The joy and the memory of understanding each other more by pointing out each other's flaws played in our minds, we all cried......
Right now, we are able to show off our real teamwork instead of putting up a pretense during our performances. We are able to achieve this because of you, Natsu-sensei!
Rabu, 21 Desember 2011
AKB48's 25th Single's Title is [Give Me Five]
A leak on Chari-ani's website has revealed the possible title of AKB48's 25th single to be [Give Me Five]. An update a few hours later though, the title was changed back to [untitled] (see bottom image).
This is a rather interesting title as it is the first of the 5 sakura-themed singles without the word "sakura" in it.
There has been some speculation about what the "give me five" means, aside from the obvious "high five". For the Japanese readers, "give me five" is English for the wasei-eigo "high touch". Five could just be that this is the 5th sakura themed single. Some people have also noted that a sakura flower has 5 petals.
Some people have gone as far as to say that there will be 5 graduations from AKB48. Which is plausible. Mariko will be 26 on March 2012, well above the usual idol age
Whatever it is supposed to mean, the title feels rather upbeat, so we may be getting something like 10nen Zakura. Really looking forward to this song.
Nogizaka46 Announces Debut Single
Nogizaka46, the "official rival" of AKB48 have announced that they will be releasing their debut single on February 22nd, 2012 right after AKB48's 25th single slated to be released on February 15th. At the moment no details about the single have been given beside the date.
I have absolutely no interest in them and I still have no idea what Aki-P is planning to do. But I'm curious to see how this single will fare because they already have quite a fan following but the question is: as the official rival, will they really be able to rival AKB? That is something we'll just have to wait and see.
Iwasa Misaki Debut Single titled [Mujineki]
The title song for Iwasa Misaki's debut single has been announced to be [Mujineki] (meaning an empty train station). In addition, the single will feature Iwasa's enka rendition of [Heavy Rotation].
The limited edition will come with a DVD featuring a music video and making clips as expected, as well as an Iwasa Misaki history video and congratulatory messages from her fellow AKB48 members. Further details will be announced later.
The single will be released on February 01 2012.
Iwasa Misaki Debut Single
01 February 2012
Limited Edition XXXXyen | [CD] 01. Mujineki 02. Heavy Rotation <Iwasa Misaki Version> others [DVD] 01. Mujineki MUSIC VIDEO 02. Iwasa Misaki HISTORY MOVIE 03. Mujineki MAKING VIDEO 04. Iwasa Misaki CD Debut Congratulatory Comment from AKB48 |
Regular Edition XXXXyen | [CD] 01. Mujineki others |
SKE48 8th Single [Kataomoi Finally] PV Previews + Impression

The PV previews for SKE48's 8th single have been released. Let's check them out!
Kataomoi Finally (片想いFinally)
I'm happy that SKE48 is shifting their musical focus away from bubbly idol pop to something more serious and dark. Both the story and dance are beautifully and artistically shot, making this one of the group's best music videos. However, I'm not a big fan of the song. I find the fluctuating tempo of the song highly unusual; I feel like I'm listening to a single mash-up.
Hanikami Lollipop (はにかみロリーポップ)
I've never shown much love for Shirogumi (despite liking Jurina more than Rena), but this is the best PV I've seen from the group. Everything, from the costumes, line-up, solo shots, and backdrop, are pure perfection. I also love the old-school lighting and color palette that are utilized to make the PV appear vintage. Still, I don't believe that Shirogumi will ever break out of their cutesy concept.
Koe ga Kazureru Kurai (声がかすれるくらい)
I'm really loving the rock sound of this b-side. SKE already has some pop-rock under their belt, but this song is much more true to the genre. This song naturally appeals to someone like me who is a fan of female-led bands such as Stereopony and the brilliant green. It's a shame that there's no choreography complimenting this great song.
Selasa, 20 Desember 2011
DiVA's new song and addition of new members
Today at the AKB48's own Kouhaku event, DiVA opened the event with their new song titled [Lost the way]. Nothing has been revealed whether this will be a new single or not. The opening wasn't live streamed so how the song is, we do not know yet. But that was not the only announcement. If you remember, there were plans to add new members to the unit and apparently the final selections are done and here are the 6 new members of DiVA: Kasuya Satoko, Futami Yuuki, Furukawa Atsuko, Fuku Noramu, Inoue Yuina, Yamagami Ayaka.
I hadn't heard anything about them in such a long time, I thought Aki-P had decided to discontinue them but then they come back with such a big announcement. I wasn't happy with their plans to add members and I'm still not happy that they finally did add members now. I mean its supposed to be "Dance & Vocal Unit from AKB48". Well, we'll just have to wait and see.
Introduction of the new members:
[AKB48 Kouhaku Taikou Uta Gassen] setlist
The AKB48's own Kouhaku event has come to an end with Shirogumi winning. Congratulations. This was by far one of the most interesting AKB48 event ever because the songs were shuffled for the members. We also heard [Aitakatta] by JKT48 in Indonesian! At least we know AKB still capable of shuffling.
Check out the setlist and which members performed which song.
*Red colored names are Akagumi members.
*Blue colored names are Shirogumi members.
AKB48 Kouhaku Taikou Uta Gassen
Date: 20 December 2011 (Tuesday)
Venue: Tokyo Dome City Hall
Time: 18:00 (17:00 entrance)
Price: 4,800yen
(zenza girls) M00 - Lost the way (DiVA)
(zenza girls) M00 - Pedicure day (no3b)
M01 - Dear J (Sashihara Rino)
M02 - flower (Akimoto Sayaka)
M03 - Seifuku Resistance (Shimada Haruka, Takeuchi Miyu, Takayanagi Akane)
M04 - Itoshiki Natasha (Kasai Tomomi, Fujie Reina, Nito Moeno)
M05 - Heart Gata Virus (Shimazaki Haruka, Yamauchi Suzuran, Mtsumune Kaoru)
M06 - Nagisa no CHERRY (Kato Rena, Natori Wakana, Morikawa Ayaka, Kojima Natsuki)
M07 - Kuchi Utsushi no Chocolate (Matsui Rena, Kikuchi Ayaka, Sato Amina)
M08 - Blue rose (Sato Sumire, Nakagawa Haruka, Abe Maria, Nagao Mariya)
M09 - Oh My God! (SKE48)
M10 - Pareo wa Emerald (NMB48)
M11 - Kuchibiru Furezu (Miyazawa Sae, Takajo Aki, Kitahara Rie)
M12 - Perapera Perao (Kashiwagi Yuki, Ota Aika, , Miyazaki Miho, Nonaka Misato)
M13 - Kinjirareta Futari (Kuramochi Asuka, Komori Mika)
M14 - Ame no Pianist ( Minegishi Minami, Katayama Haruka, Suzuki Shihori)
M15 - Te wo Tsunaginagara (HKT48)
M16 - Aitakatta (JKT48)
M17 - Skirt, Hirari (Kawaei Rina, Takahashi Juri, Kimoto Kanon, Kizaki Yuria, Iwata Karen, Tano Yuuka, Kodama Haruka)
M18 - Glass no I LOVE YOU (Iriyama Anna, Jo Eriko, Sasaki Yukari, Omori Miyu)
M19 - Ame no Doubutsuen (Ichikawa Miori, Hata Sawako, Suda Akari, Hirata Rina, Nakamata Shiori, Nakamura Mariko, Mutou Tomu, Kobayashi Marina)
M20 - Dakishimeraretara (Yamamoto Sayaka, Watanabe Miyuki, Yamada Nana)
M21 - Anata to Christmas Eve (Yokoyama Yui, Matsui Sakiko)
M22 - Noel no Yoru (Masuda Yuka, Kobayashi Kana, Nakatsuka Tomomi, Chikano Rina, Hirajima Natsuki, Oya Shizuka, Uchida Mayumi, Sato Natsuki, Ishida Haruka, Umeda Ayaka, Iwasa Misaki, Nakaya Sayaka)
M23 - Yokaze no Shiwaza (Itano Tomomi)
M24 - Beginner (Acoustic ver.) (Takahashi Minami)
M25 - Temodemo no Namida (Watanabe Mayu, Matsui Jurina)
M26 - Tonari no Banana (Kojima Haruna, Shinoda Mariko)
M27 - Itoshisa no Accel (Oshima Yuko)
M28 - Kareha no Station (Maeda Atsuko)
M29 - Flying Get (Team B)
M30 - Heavy Rotation (Team K)
M31 - Kaze wa Fuiteiru (Team A)
M32 - Ue Kara Mariko (Senbatsu)
M33 - Everyday, Kachuusha (All)
M34 - Dareka no Tame ni (All)
Check out the setlist and which members performed which song.
*Red colored names are Akagumi members.
*Blue colored names are Shirogumi members.
AKB48 Kouhaku Taikou Uta Gassen
Date: 20 December 2011 (Tuesday)
Venue: Tokyo Dome City Hall
Time: 18:00 (17:00 entrance)
Price: 4,800yen
(zenza girls) M00 - Lost the way (DiVA)
(zenza girls) M00 - Pedicure day (no3b)
M01 - Dear J (Sashihara Rino)
M02 - flower (Akimoto Sayaka)
M03 - Seifuku Resistance (Shimada Haruka, Takeuchi Miyu, Takayanagi Akane)
M04 - Itoshiki Natasha (Kasai Tomomi, Fujie Reina, Nito Moeno)
M05 - Heart Gata Virus (Shimazaki Haruka, Yamauchi Suzuran, Mtsumune Kaoru)
M06 - Nagisa no CHERRY (Kato Rena, Natori Wakana, Morikawa Ayaka, Kojima Natsuki)
M07 - Kuchi Utsushi no Chocolate (Matsui Rena, Kikuchi Ayaka, Sato Amina)
M08 - Blue rose (Sato Sumire, Nakagawa Haruka, Abe Maria, Nagao Mariya)
M09 - Oh My God! (SKE48)
M10 - Pareo wa Emerald (NMB48)
M11 - Kuchibiru Furezu (Miyazawa Sae, Takajo Aki, Kitahara Rie)
M12 - Perapera Perao (Kashiwagi Yuki, Ota Aika, , Miyazaki Miho, Nonaka Misato)
M13 - Kinjirareta Futari (Kuramochi Asuka, Komori Mika)
M14 - Ame no Pianist ( Minegishi Minami, Katayama Haruka, Suzuki Shihori)
M15 - Te wo Tsunaginagara (HKT48)
M16 - Aitakatta (JKT48)
M17 - Skirt, Hirari (Kawaei Rina, Takahashi Juri, Kimoto Kanon, Kizaki Yuria, Iwata Karen, Tano Yuuka, Kodama Haruka)
M18 - Glass no I LOVE YOU (Iriyama Anna, Jo Eriko, Sasaki Yukari, Omori Miyu)
M19 - Ame no Doubutsuen (Ichikawa Miori, Hata Sawako, Suda Akari, Hirata Rina, Nakamata Shiori, Nakamura Mariko, Mutou Tomu, Kobayashi Marina)
M20 - Dakishimeraretara (Yamamoto Sayaka, Watanabe Miyuki, Yamada Nana)
M21 - Anata to Christmas Eve (Yokoyama Yui, Matsui Sakiko)
M22 - Noel no Yoru (Masuda Yuka, Kobayashi Kana, Nakatsuka Tomomi, Chikano Rina, Hirajima Natsuki, Oya Shizuka, Uchida Mayumi, Sato Natsuki, Ishida Haruka, Umeda Ayaka, Iwasa Misaki, Nakaya Sayaka)
M23 - Yokaze no Shiwaza (Itano Tomomi)
M24 - Beginner (Acoustic ver.) (Takahashi Minami)
M25 - Temodemo no Namida (Watanabe Mayu, Matsui Jurina)
M26 - Tonari no Banana (Kojima Haruna, Shinoda Mariko)
M27 - Itoshisa no Accel (Oshima Yuko)
M28 - Kareha no Station (Maeda Atsuko)
M29 - Flying Get (Team B)
M30 - Heavy Rotation (Team K)
M31 - Kaze wa Fuiteiru (Team A)
M32 - Ue Kara Mariko (Senbatsu)
M33 - Everyday, Kachuusha (All)
M34 - Dareka no Tame ni (All)
Senin, 19 Desember 2011
Watanabe Mayu solo debut in February with [Synchro Tokimeki]
It's been decided that Watanabe Mayu will have a solo debut too! Her solo single [Synchro Tokimeki] (シンクロときめき) will release on February 29th 2012.
Mayuyu is the 4th AKB48 member to go solo under her own name, after Itano Tomomi, Maeda Atsuko, and Iwasa Misaki. Of all the members in AKB48, Mayuyu is said to be the most idol-like.
Synchro Tokimeki will be used as the theme song for the drama [Sabadoru] which she stars in. The drama will air every Friday starting January 13th. Synchro Tokimeki is said to have a nostalgic '80s melody but arranged to be more upbeat and more modern.
I'm not surprised at this but to be honest I don't really see the point. Mayuyu already has a subunit called
Oh well. The song description looks optimistic at least. Modern version of a '80s melody? Wants.
AKB48 25th Single to be Sakura Themed as well
AKB48 has announced the details of their next, 25th single. Their first single release of 2012, it will have a sakura and graduation theme, following AKB48's usual release pattern.
As of now, the single is still untitled. The release date is set for February 15th, 2012.
This will be the 5th time AKB48 is doing a sakura/graduation themed single. Starting with [Sakura no Hanabiratachi] in 2006, then [10nen Zakura] in 2009, [Sakura no Shiori] in 2010, and [Sakura no Ki ni Narou] in 2011.
6th actually if you count in [Sakura no Hanabiratachi 2008], which was just a re-release of the original.
The single will come in 4 different versions: TYPE A and B Limited, and TYPE A and B Regular
Akimoto Sayaka to run again in Tokyo Marathon 2012
While attending a press conference for the [Tokyo Marathon 2012 Official Guidebook] release, Akimoto Sayaka announced that she will be running again in next year's Tokyo Marathon 2012 on February 26th 2012.
Official Website: http://www.tokyo42195.org/2012_en/
Earlier this year she ran in the Tokyo Marathon 2011, shortly after stepping down as the Captain of AKB48's Team K. Running a marathon is a way of restarting your life in Japan. And that's what Sayaka got. After completing her run, which she cleared in 6 hours and 50 minutes, just under the 7 hour time limit, Producer Akimoto Yasushi reinstated her position as Captain.
For next year's marathon, Sayaka plans to beat her previous record, and complete the marathon in under 6 hours. She will be running for the charity organisation [Charity to Connect Lives], which was chosen by her mother. It was also her mother who donated the 100,000yen needed for her to take part in the race as a charity runner.
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