Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

French Kiss [Saisho no Mail] first week sales + Review

French Kiss sold 133,662 copies of their 4th single [Saisho no Mail] in its first week giving them their first #1. Also this is the groups highest first week sales till date as well the third AKB48 subunit to get a #1. Congratulations to them!

Now on to the review:
Saisho no Mail (最初のメール)

Saisho no Mail at first was meh to me. I thought this was their worst a-side (actually I still think that) but the song takes some time to grow on you. It's your usual Furekissu song but just feels like it lacks that something there which was in If and Kakkowarui.

Candle no Shin (キャンドルの芯)
Kashiwagi Yuki x Kuramochi Asuka

A ballad duet by Yukirin and Mocchi. I loved this ballad and the PV was wonderful. Yukirin's light cute voice and Mocchi's deep voice really go together. The chorus part is probably my favorite.

Last Train 
Kashiwagi Yuki x Takajo Aki

Another duet but with Akicha this time. Compared to Candle no Shin, this duet is a bit fast paced. I found the beginning to be a bit weird because it starts so suddenly. But beside the opening, its a decent song.

Dragon Fruit no Tobegoro (ドラゴンフルーツの食べ頃) 

My favorite track out of all the singles. If you loved No Sleeves' Sakkaku, then you will love this too. Just like Sakkaku, this track uses heavy auto tune and techno music. And I have a thing for techno music.

Mayonaka no Hamigaki (真夜中の歯磨き)

And lastly of course a Yukirin solo.  Can't leave out that now can we? A very sweet ballad with light music that goes with Yukrin's voice.

Overall Verdict:
The a-side isn't one of the best from Furekissu in my opinion but this has their best b-sides. Two Yukirin duet tracks, a techno track and a Yukirin solo, what more could her fans ask for? And again congrats to the group for getting their first #1!

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