Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

Shimada Rena and Matsuda Shiori return to NMB48

Today at Team N's show in the NMB48 Theater, the results of the fan voting to allow suspended members Shimada Rena and Matsuda Shiori were announced. The votes are shown below.

Matsuda Shiori
Approve: 8,377
Disapprove: 1,406

Shimada Rena
Approve: 7,622
Disapprove: 2,161

Good news for both girls, the majority of the votes approved their return to NMB48. The both of them will resume activities from January 1st 2012.

Although it looks like they both have been allowed to return by a huge majority, it is still disheartening to know that 2,000 fans still disapprove Shimada Rena, and 1,400 for Matsuda Shiori. Hopefully when they return to the stage, they can prove themselves to the fans once more.

One thing I would like to know is why there hasn't been any word about Yoshida Akari's suspension.

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