Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

AKB48 Members in other Artists' PVs

What's an AKB48 member to do when she doesn't get enough screen time in an AKB48 PV?
Appear in PVs of other artists of course!

Takahashi Minami was recently featured in JAMIL’s [Rock City Boy] PV. JAMIL is apparently a huge Takamina fan and the PV depicts JAMIL arriving in Japan and seeing Takamina everywhere. Takamina appears as a stewardess (which she was really excited about as she doesn’t meet the height requirement), priestess, and a school girl with a lacrosse stick. However JAMIL gets rejected when he asks Takamina out for tea. Should have asked her out for a katsudon dinner instead.

However Takamina is not the first AKB48 member to be featured in another artist’s PV. Matsui Sakiko was in Pengin’s [Yuri no hanasaku Oka de] PV. This is actually pretty similar to Takamina's role in Rock City Boy except slightly more melancholy. Sakippe is shown waiting in a busy intersection. Throughout the PV, we seen Sakippe holding flowers, walking, crying(!), its pretty much as if Sakippe was your girlfriend and you’re watching from the boyfriend ‘s (aka camera) point of view. Sakippe is a big Pengin fan and has played the piano at one of their sales commemoration events.

Uchida Mayumi in LGMonkees’s [Life] PV featuring Noa. Shortly after taking her title as Janken Queen, Mayuchi  is shown playing jan ken pon with LGMonkee. She wins, of course.

Kashiwagi Yuki in Cliff’s Edge’s [SA・YO・NA・RA kimi o wasurenai]. May I say that this is an awesome PV. I have no idea who Cliff’s Edge is or what kind of group they are but this haunting song of regret and sorrow with an excellent rap verse matches up perfectly with the PV. Yukirin is shown with her boyfriend who first meets her when he catches a photo of a guy that blew away from Yuki. As their relationship progresses, he notices that she’s still carrying the photo and ends with her running out as he attempts a chaste kiss. Throughout the PV, Yukirin is getting her long hair (wig! It’s a wig!) cut short and it ends with her standing in front of the mirror with short hair.

SDN48's Urano Kazumi in Aqua Timez’s [Purumeria-Hana Uta] PV. Back when CinDy was still an AKB48 member, she appeared in Aqua Timez (Bleach fans would know this group as performers of Alone) PV. Unfortunately the youtube link has been removed and I can’t find another one up. Her part is small but it’s mostly CinDy looking gorgeous while watering flowers and other close ups.

Itano Tomomi in May’s [I LOVE YOU ga ienakute] Another awesome PV! Prior to Tomochin’s solo debut and even before Love Wars, Tomochin played the part of a heartbroken girl sitting in the library watching the guy she loves flirting with another girl. Includes a scene where Tomochin practically destroys the library in her sorrow. But ends up semi-happy! Or at least less sad.

Enjoy! And please, agencies start pushing your girls into more PVs! At the rate the new 48 projects are growing, AKB48 PVs are going to become Maeda Atsuko, Oshima Yuko, and the selected frontgirls of all the other 48s.

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