Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011

Da 1st thing comes out

It's about 11.16PM and da 1st thing poop on my head rite now is Peggy Leonie ohhh and coincidentally Alvinah Jingkin text me juz now! She text me bout her resign. she can't stand there at her current workplace juz because of pilaks. Euww i noe diz gonna happen. Its ok nanak soon u'll get better job for sure u will, chill okay ;) diz 2 name i mentioned is my friends and da pigurt one im still counting on my lense from her! My blue lense is become thick which means i'll no longer use it n now i desperately need a new upgrade lense!

Can't wait to put diz onto my round but small sepet eyes lol :

It cost only RM25 including postage. Yes diz is online order introduce by my agent; pigurt de nuel, haha more cheaper and HQ is da same wif da expensive 1 rite. Say no to RM30 above! At least da quality is the same! Hell yeah, diz is me da cerewet gurl when it comes to price. Nahh look at it i think it's much better than the other lenses dat i bought myself yeahh im saying bout the design. Cant wait 2 wear oh~~ PEGGY LEONIE tomorrow we meet !

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