Kamis, 17 Mei 2012

Aki-P G+ Post About Maeda Atsuko's Graduation

Aki-P recently made G+ post concerning about the talk he had with Acchan :

A few days ago, I had a meeting with Maeda Atsuko. We had passed each other at the studio and finally had a proper talk since Saitama Super Arena.

Things about AKB, about the other members, about the juniors, about  the fans and about Maeda's own future. One by one, we talked about these things. I was deeply moved, that the once shy 14 year old Maeda who would shut herself from everybody is now a 20 year old girl who thinks of not only her but everybody around her as well.

As usual, she has the same shy expression but that minute, you can see the look of straight forwardness in her. I think that shyness is the remains of Acchan she was back in those days.

Hence, it has been decided that Maeda Atsuko will graduate from the concert of Tokyo Dome and after a performance in the AKB theater the next day.
(Detailed schedule will be announced at a later date)

Best of luck, Maeda Atsuko!
I think this means that Tokyo Dome concert date will be announced very soon.

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