Kamis, 03 Mei 2012

Sashihara Rino's 300 Google+ Updates Challenge

Starting today at 6 pm JST Sashihara Rino will, over a period of 24 hours, attempt to update her Google+ status 300 times.

Sashihara Rino's Google+ account: http://plus.google.com/104375100134443203420

This is the third time for Sashihara to undertake a challenge of this kind. In 2010 and 2011, she attempted to dethrone fellow team member Maeda Atsuko as number 1 in the Ameba blog ranking by updating her own blog "Sashihara Quality" one hundred times (two hundred in 2011).

The following ad was printed in today's morning edition of the Yomiuri Shinbun:

Translated by HRP
Good morning! It's Sashihara, all fresh and energetic but with way too much on her hands.

Something incredible has happened: they're going to put my Google+ update in the newspaper. And not just that - a whole page!
It looks like I will have to write some really interesting things unless I want to put a swift end to my writing career. What am I saying; it hasn't even begun yet. As far as I understand, the very words that I'm writing right now will be printed on one whole page in Yomiuri Shinbun.
Please check today's morning paper.

But even I don't have anything in my repertoire that is worthy enough of getting its own newspaper advert and be read by people all around the country. In that case, there's really only one thing that comes to mind. It all began when shooting "Shuukan AKB"...

Two years ago, I challenged myself to make one hundred blog updates in 24 hours. We upped the number to two hundred last year. And this year...

I will update my Google+ account status 300 times starting at 6 pm. today. The challenge begins right after today's broadcast of "Shuukan AKB" (starting at 5.30) and ends tomorrow at 6 pm.
There's no special meaning to this. I just haven't found another way yet. For now this is the one thing I know I can excel at.
So please endure me for today. Or better: let me prove myself today.

My long day starts now!!! Wish me luck, everyone!

I will be updating my status 300 times, so feel free to remove me from your circles if that should bother you.

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