Jumat, 13 Agustus 2010

Apple Super Lash Mascara Review

OMG. New HG mascara right here! 1/6th the price of my previous HG Shiseido Majolica Majorca mascara. BUT Apple Mascara isn't waterproof like MM Mascara is. Still, I liked this Apple mascara so much that I just had to do two blog posts in one day. I couldn't wait. Haha.

I forget where I first heard about Apple Mascara but I think it's safe to assume MakeupAlley. I couldn't find a lot of information on the brand but from what I can gather, they're a cosmetics company based in Mexico. Their company website is mostly under construction right now. Some of their products are sold in the US at different boutiques which is how I managed to get a hold of my two mascara tubes.

As you can see, Apple Cosmetics offers 14 different types of mascaras: Black, Mamey, Avocado, Pink and Green, Crystal/Clear, Blue, Aloe Vera, Brown, Base, Purple, Naturist, Peanut, Jojoba, and Almond.

I wish I knew the differences between all of them. Does Black have no specials oils in it or something? Like how Mamey has Mamey extract in it, Avocado has avocado extract in it, etc? Perhaps. Mamey, btw, is a species of fruit tree native to southern Mexico (via Wikipedia).

I decided to start with Mamey and Avocado. I honestly wasn't expecting very much from a mascara that cost $2.99 + tax. Cheaper than drugstore mascaras (which I've never had any good results from), I was just buying it to test for fun. How wrong I was. *Note* Please excuse my many spare eyebrow hairs. I'm in dire need of a threading. Will do asap.

Apple Super Lash Mascara in Mamey

Mamey is my favorite of the two. In my opinion, it provides more volume than Avocado does and may even provide some length. Both do well to hold up a curl though! I'll have to test this for a few more days to see for sure what is what.

The brush looks like that of any other normal mascara.
A scent is there when you open the mascara but it's definitely not as strong as the scent in the Avocado bottle.

Right eye, bare lashes.

Right eye, Apple Super Lash Mascara in Mamey applied.
Probably swiped the wand 3-4 times.

Apple Super Lash Mascara in Avocado

One thing I really didn't like about the Avocado version was that it was extremely scented! It was soooo strong. I felt like I was hit in the face with it when I first opened the bottle. Yikes~

Brush looks very similar to that of Apple Super Lash Mascara in Mamey.

Left eye, Bare lashes.

Left eye, Apple Super Lash Mascara in Avocado applied.

Here is a better picture of the upper lashes.
I hadn't yet applied the mascara to the lower lashes in this picture.

Verdict: Would definitely repurchase! I'd highly recommend this to anyone who doesn't need a waterproof mascara and can get their hands on it. I purchased it at a store called Amuse in one of the local malls.

*Note* These mascaras aren't waterproof though. My contacts were bothering me one day, I put in some eye drops, and the mascara got all over! My eyelashes also starting wilting. :/

You can also purchase this mascara from ebay seller: perfumestationus. $2.50 + shipping. Free shipping if you purchase 3 or more items. Buy some mascaras for your moms/friends? I'm off to go purchase some for friends and family myself. :)

//EDIT February 24, 2011//
For Christmas, I purchased a few of these from persumestationus to use as stocking stuffers. They arrived wrapped extremely well with bubble wrapped and in perfect condition. I purchased a bottle for myself but when I tried it, it just didn't have the same effect on my lashes as the one I purchased from the mall is. My theory as to why this might have happened is because the mascara bottle I bought from the mall had been opened before (you could tell because you could see traces of mascara on the top of the bottle when you opened it, the kind you get from pulling the wand out) and I'm assuming it may have dried a bit, making it a tad thicker upon application? That's just my guess. This is, by no means, an update to tell my readers to not purchase from perfumestationus. No, no no. They're fabulous. They sell NEW bottles of mascara compared to the mall! I'm just stating that the results I originally wrote about may be because of a bottle of mascara that may have dried out a bit.

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