Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

Etude House Dream On Pact Slim & Cover SPF25/PA++ in #2 Natural Beige Review & EOTD

How cute is the packaging of Etude House?? :)

I was able to get this CP'd recently from Singapore. Kind of a bad decision. It wasn't until after I solidified the CP did I find out that Etude House prices in Singapore are super jacked up. :( Anyway, I really wanted to try Etude House and this one was one of the items I decided to purchase. I opted for Shade #2 Natural Beige because I didn't think Shade #3 True Beige would be easy to find. The things you settle for when you're in a rush..

Description from The secret to dreamy bright complexion. Compact powder makeup maintains sheer, oil absorbing texture for radiant coverage with UV protection. Contains hyaluronic acid and encapsulated oil control powder to smooth, moisturize, and nourish complexion.

Directions: Use puff to gather and apply pressed powder to cheeks, forehead, nose, and chin. Gently pat to finish.

The design of the compact is so cute. Makes me smile. :)

Here is the little puff that's included. There is a plastic plate holding it so that it doesn't sit directly on top of the powder.

The day that I did the review was almost a record hot day where I live. I was also doing the review upstairs where all the heat was concentrated so you can somewhat imagine how shiny I was while trying to take pictures for this review. Given these conditions, this may not be the best all-around review but at least it'll give you an idea of Etude House Dream On Pact in "extreme" conditions.

Here is one of three before and afters. Left image shows you the right side of my face before application and right image is after application.

Another comparison picture. This heat is nasty.

The comparison is reversed in this picture. Left side shows the Dream on Pact applied and the right side shows my bare skin.

Again, I should restate that the day I wrote the post was a really, really warm day. Four hours after application, I noticed that the side where I applied the Dream On Pact was a little shiny again. Not as shiny as my left side (Applied no foundation to this side) but it was still a little shiny. I'll do an edit once I test this foundation on a better day.

My impressions on the Etude House Dream On Pact:
+ Nice floral scent, not too strong.
+ Contains SPF 25
+ Flawless finish, no cakeyness (but that could also have been because it was a warm day)
- Oil control doesn't last all day. Lasted for about 4 hours before I had to touch up again. It is, though, a compact powder meaning you can carry it around with you and touch up whenever you like. Perhaps it isn't meant to last all day.
- As cute as the compact case is, it's made out of plastic. For my jacked up price of $23+, I wish it was made of something a little sturdier.

About the color match: Shade #2 Natural Beige isn't the best fit right now since it's summer time and I've tanned a bit. Hopefully, it'll be a better match in the winter time, if I lighten up by then. For reference, I was N30 the last time I was MAC color tested. That was a while back though...

Where to buy Etude House Dream On Pact:
- EBay: 031tansango, codinara, zinopark
- GMarket (I can't supply you with sellers yet though since I've never shopped here)


Thank you to my girls who went far & wide to get me Urban Decay's highly coveted Naked Palette for my birthday! I've put off using it for a few days because it's so pristine and pretty but I finally gave in.

I'm still really new to eyeshadow application but this was kind of a fail. Hah. The excuse I gave myself in the end was that I was going climbing later and didn't want to look overdone.

Colors from the Urban Decay Naked Palette used:
- Sin
- Buck
- Darkhorse
- 24/7 Glide-on Eye Pencil in Whiskey (is this the creamiest eye liner or what?? seriously!)

Top lashes: Tarte 4 Day Stay Lash Stain & Majolica Majorca Enamel Glamour Volume On
Bottom lashes: Hourglass Superficial Lash

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