Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010

Where to Buy Laneige?

Where can you buy Laneige products? I've seen this question asked left and right so I decided to do a little post on where you can find Laneige products. I've gotten mine from a "local" Amore Pacific store. (I quote local because it's not actually that close but it's still within decent driving range.)

Here are a few sites I've found that sell Laneige products online (They may not carry Laneige's entire range though). I've used the prices of a few of their most popular products (in $USD) as a general reference to price ranges:

Water Sleeping Pack_EX Price: $23
Strawberry Yogurt Peeling Gel Price: $20
Water Bank Essence Price: $29
Have to Pay For Shipping? Free shipping with purchases over $49.99

Water Sleeping Pack_EX Price: $25.90
Strawberry Yogurt Peeling Gel Price: $23.90
Water Bank Essence Price: $31
Have to Pay For Shipping? Free Shipping on orders over $75.

Water Sleeping Pack_EX Price: N/A
Strawberry Yogurt Peeling Gel Price: $27.99
Water Bank Essence Price: N/A
Have to Pay For Shipping? No. Free shipping worldwide.

Water Sleeping Pack_EX Price: $27
Strawberry Yogurt Peeling Gel Price: $22
Water Bank Essence Price: $37
Have to Pay For Shipping? No. Free shipping on every order.

Water Sleeping Pack_EX Price: $30
Strawberry Yogurt Peeling Gel Price: $30
Water Bank Essence Price: N/A
Have to Pay For Shipping? For orders under $150, shipping is $9.99. Orders over $150 get FS.

Water Sleeping Pack_EX Price: $29
Strawberry Yogurt Peeling Gel Price: $29
Water Bank Essence Price: $45
Have to Pay For Shipping? Yes (S&H for me would have been $13 for one item.)

Here are some sellers on eBay that sell Laneige:
crediblemen (is selling Laneige's Water Sleeping Pact_EX for $19.99 + FS)
beautyparcel (is selling Laneige's Strawberry Yogurt Peeling Gel for $21.99 + FS)

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