Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

Akimoto Yasushi Talks About SDN48

In one of his google+ posts from today, Akimoto Yasushi talks about the latest SDN48 situation:

Akimoto Yasushi - 3:34pm - Mobile - Public

Hmmm, this is pretty difficult.
I really want to have something to respond to the petitions from SDN48 fans.
I've tried everything I could think of, but Universal Music turned me down.
Kaneya also tried really hard as well.  [tl note: Kaneya is the person in charge of SDN48 at Universal Japan]

'They just released their last single; they're about to have their farewell concert; for their own good, isn't it just better to stick to the plan and graduate all of them?'  This is what I was told.

I want to respond to the petitions.
Even if we lose money, I want to find a future for them...is it so hard?

Aside from Urano Kazumi, who will be joining Watarirouka Hashiritai 7 tentatively, there are no plans for the remaining members.

I really hope he will be able to do something in the long run and help the remaining members with life after SDN48.

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