Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Minegishi and Watanabe will appear on VOGUE JAPAN

Minegishi Minami and Watanabe Mayu will be appearing in the May issue of VOGUE JAPAN which will go on sale on March 28th.

Official Website: http://www.vogue.co.jp/

Miichan and Mayuyu will be endorsing Dior's new lipstick line. For this photoshoot, these two AKB members will shed off their usual self and take on a whole new different persona, showcasing their "adult" side. Dressed up in pink beige clothing to emphasize the lipstick, they will appear on 10 pages of the magazine

There will also be a making of footage of this photoshoot along with interview in VOGUE JAPAN's official website.

They look so different. While they definitely look more mature, I'm not sure with the hairstyle but then again models for such endorsements usually have short hairstyle like these. What do you think?

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