Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012

Urano Kazumi to Join Watarirouka Hashiritai 7 Tentatively

In a surprising twist of events, Akimoto Yasushi has announced on his Google+ page that Watarirouka Hashiritai 7 will gain a new member, SDN48's Urano Kazumi. This decision is only tentative at this moment.

Ever since Hirajima Natsumi resigned from AKB48 after a scandal erupted in January 2012, Watarirourka Hashiritai 7 was down to 6 members. Urano Kazumi will be filling up the hole left by her.

The reason for AkiP choosing CinDy was explained in a later post. Watarirouka has a number of contracts as Watarirouka Hashiritai 7 with 7 members, so he had to fill up the empty spot. But he did not want to replace Nacchan right after she left, as she has a long history with the group.

CinDy is familiar with Watarirouka Hashiritai, as she was the unofficial leader of Team B before the Team shuffle in 2009. Warota was also originally intended to be a subunit made from Team B members. It is because of that which is why AkiP chose her. CinDy's princess character also fits with the image of Watarirouka.

AkiP has mentioned that it is only tentative right now, but if CinDy were to really join Warota7, then she would be the oldest member of the group by 6 years. CinDy is aged 26, and the next oldest member is Harugon at 20, Ayarin at 18, and the remaining 4 at 17 years old.

But what would this mean for CinDy after the rest of SDN48 graduates at the end of March? Will she stay on as the only SDN48 member? It's quite unfair to let everyone graduate and save just one member.

Translated google+ respones from Watarirouka Hashiritai 7 members are available at Bilingual48.

Akimoto Yasushi  -  10:00 PM  -  Mobile  -  Public
Let's talk about Watarirouka Hashiritai.

I've been asked, "Is Watarirouka Hashiritai going to go on with 6 people?"
Since she left, I thought maybe it's not right to fill her spot right away.
She was a part of Watarirouka Hashiritai.
I've been thinking it'll be ok with just 6 people from now on.

However, due to circumstances, I feel like it should be a group of 7.
I want to make it Watarirouka Hashiritai 7.
I pondered.
Who should be the new member?

I've decided.
I haven't told the production side or the recording company.
Of course, I haven't told the members either...

Akimoto Yasushi  -  10:14 PM  -  Mobile  -  Public
I'm going to say it.
.....The new member of Watarirouka Hashiritai 7 is......Urano Kazumi.
This should be ok.
I will acknowledge all the objections.
However, I am serious.
This decision is tentative, though.
It's interesting, isn't it?
Urano, do your best!

Akimoto Yasushi  -  11:20 PM  -  Mobile  -  Public
Warota has a handful of contracts, and I was told that it should be 7 people. But I did not want to add a new member immediately after she resigned, because she has a long history with Warota.
Urano knows this history very well and I think she is a suitable choice.
Also, this group needs a bit of fun and Urano's cluelessness will certainly add to that.

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