Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

Suzuki Rika Graduates from AKB48

Suzuki Rika, a 12th Generation KKS, graduated from AKB48 on March 31st, 2012. She graduated from AKB48 because she wanted to focus on her studies.

On March 30th, 2012, she posted the following message on Google+:

Suzuki Rika  -  Mar 31, 2012  -  Mobile  -  Public
I will graduate from AKB48 tomorrow.
This was a monumental decision in my life.

But I don't think this is the wrong choice.
Because the choices everyone else made have not been wrong.
When standing at the crossroads of life, people make different choices and no one knows if it's the right choice.
It would be boring, if I only lived one life - like how a mathematical question can only have one correct answer.

I'm sorry about saying these things.
I just want to think that I have not made the wrong choice.

Suziki Rika

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