Selasa, 01 November 2011

AKB48's official site gets a new look!

As you can see in the above image, AKB48's site has gotten a make over. Today the site's design and look was changed giving it a complete new and fresh look. The main page is a flash page where there is AKBus! The bus has members profile images popping out one after another. There is also a news flash bar at the top for the latest AKB news.

Official Site:

The member's page looks so much neater and than the previous layouts. It's also much more pleasing to the eyes. The profile pictures are the same expect for some unknown reason Kasai Tomomi has a different one (which I might add in which she looks prettier). The schedule page is very cute. It has a calendar with dates of which show is being performed. The stage shows are marked with hearts color coordinated with those of the teams. The time and the price for the shows are also stated here. The theater page gives the direction to the AKB48 theater along with how much time it takes by train or car. Discography page has the AKB singles according to years, and also a snippet of all the stage songs since AKB first started.

The shopping page has links to various AKB48 shops while the mobile page offers variety of AKB48 mobile apps. Blog page leads to their official Ameblo blog page. There are also links to the English and Chinese site, but the English site hasn't been updated for ages.

I'm glad they finally updated the page. It's much more neater and less messier than the previous one. Also the cute AKBus is in every page at the end, leaving a trail of hearts which is indeed very cute. If you have not checked out the new page yet, then do it now.

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