Kamis, 17 November 2011

[Watashi ga Renai Dekinai Riyuu] Episode 4 causes a commotion

In episode 4 (111107) of [Watashi ga Renai Dekinai Riyuu], which Oshima Yuko stars in, caused quite a stir among the Yuko fans in the internet.

So what exactly was the cause of the commotion? Such a big one that even lead to some Yuko oshis changing their oshimen? That will come after the break in case there are still people who haven't watched that episode of the show.


No not just a kissing scene, but a bed scene too.

Lets take a look at both sides of the table and see what they have to say. I will be taking the majority of both sides, which so happens to split the table into JAPAN and KAIGAI (overseas). Do note that there are Japanese who still support Yuko's dreams, and there are overseas fans who do not like the scene.

There are loads of angry comments after fans saw Yuko's bed scene, such as, they felt betrayed, even though there is a no relationship rule in AKB but Yuko is allowed to do bed scenes and kiss scenes, that's going even further than just being in a relationship? And there are also comments saying how making Yuko do this will spoil her image as an idol, similar to the AKBaby advertisement.

KAIGAI (overseas)
Yuko's dream is to become an actress who can represent Japan, so we as her fans should support her dream. And what's more, it's only acting, it's not as if they were really having sex. Therefore, there shouldn't be any problem, we should feel happy that she managed to break free of the high-school drama character stereotypes. There are also fans who said that they will support Yuko in whatever she does, so if her dream is to become an actress, kissing/bed scene is something that cannot be avoided, so they will definitely support her. Seeing that she has managed to take up a more matured role rather than high school dramas which most of the other AKB members are stuck with, this is a big step for her towards realizing her dream. Therefore, if there's negative response for it, she might not get chosen for similar roles again in the future and that will really limit her chances of being an actress who can represent Japan.

That was quite a challenge for Yuko though considering that she's a super idol. And I'm sure it was a tough decision for her or the management to decide whether she should take up the role or not. Fans from western countries may not really understand, but the reason for this is mostly due to the idol culture in Japan. The idol otakus(wotas) in Japan believe that their idols should be always pure. To extreme extents, in an early episode of AKB 1ji 59fun, co-host, Takada Junji, made a joke based on this culture. He said, "I'm sure that you girls don't go to the toilet right? Because in the fans' minds, idols don't go toilet." As you can see, image is a very important aspect of an idol, which is why making Yuko act in such scenes carries a huge risk, not all fans will think that by making Yuko act in love scenes will expand the number of characters she can act, instead of being restricted to a few stereotypical roles.

Rating for episode 3 is 14.8%, episode 4(episode with the bed scene) is 16.1% and episode 5 is back down to 14.8%. So what can we conclude from this? 1.3% of the viewers tuned in just for the bed scene? Or 1.3% of the viewers started following the series because of the bed scene and 1.3% of the viewers stopped following the series due to the bed scene? I guess it's anyone's guess on what the viewership ratings say.

So which side do you stand on?
Will you still support Yuko's acting dream while she is still a member of AKB48, even if that means kissing and bed scenes and all those stuff an idol should not do?
Or are you an idol purist, felt betrayed, felt like killing that guy who slept with her, and developed a hatred for Noda Yoshihiko (the AKBaby guy)?

Do comment and tell us why.

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