Sabtu, 26 November 2011

Because You Were There for Me: Miyazawa Sae

Another Shukan Asahi [Because You Were There for Me] translation. This weekends' feature Team K's Miyazawa Sae!

AKBINGO once had a segment titled "Hokkori Hanashi" (Touching Story) back in 2010, and Sae also spoke about her grandmother in the show.

In this article, Sae talks about how she was bullied in middle school, and how her grandmother was her source of hope when she wanted to quit school. Her grandmother was always supportive of her, but never once did she praise her about AKB.

Shortly after the death Sae's grandmother, Sae recieved a postcard from a family friend......

This is a very emotional story about how parents (or grandparent in this case) support their child even though they never mention it.

The "Miracle" Postcard from My Grandmother in Heaven.
Translated by mammothb

My grandmother was first diagnosed of cancer 2 years ago. But fortunately, she only had to be hospitalized for a short period of time as a medicine that is suitable for her is found quickly, hearing that I calmed down.

But it only lasted for a year plus, nearing the end of March 2010, I was carrying out preparations for the Concert in Yokohama Arena, that was when my grandmother had a relapse, and she was hospitalized again. But I believed that there's no way my grandmother would lose to the illness.

When I was in middle school, I was bullied by some of my school mates in the same year as me. I was outcasted by my friends, being bad-mouthed for something which I don't remember doing. "Miyazawa Sae has such a bad character. She's the worst", such a text was forwarded to me. As I found it hard to stay in class and my club, I wanted to quit the school. Seeing that side of me, my grandmother shared with me that she was also a victim of bullying. Getting her skirt cut into shreds, getting her PE uniform thrown into the rubbish bin, she suffered harsher bullying than I did. It was never easy for me to talk about my experience of getting bullied. I thought my grandmother must have felt the same while she was telling about how she was bullied. But I think she must have wanted to cheer me up, that's why she shared her story with me.

"If you live your life without crying, someday, people will definitely understand Sae's good points. Tears of joy are fine, if you are cry when the going gets tough, that you've been defeated. "...... Standing on the stage of Yokohama Arena, I was overwhelmed with emotions, I was glad that I believed in my grandmother's words and got to where I am today. The next time I visit her in the hospital, I shall tell her that right now, I have found lots of wonderful friends.

A few days after the concert, I received a text from my mother. "Your grandmother maybe not have much time left, prepare yourself for the worst." When I entered the hospital ward, what I saw wasn't the usual lively grandmother, she was skin and bones. "AKB has released an album! Can you find Sae?", I said to my grandmother who is hardly conscious. Hearing that, she stared at the album cover and pointed at me on the cover. I was so happy that I almost burst out crying, but right now isn't the time to cry. With that thought, I gritted my teeth to prevent myself from crying. After a few days, my grandmother passed away. The family was all by her side during her final moments. Although my grandmother did not object my decision to joing AKB, she also didn't praise me on the work I was doing in AKB either. If I were to say that I didn't wanted her to praise me, saying, "Good for you.", "You really worked hard.", I would be lying. I wondered how my grandmother really thought about me entering AKB.

When the funeral has ended, and my family has gotten over the sorrow, my grandmother's friend passed us a New Year's postcard. The postmark dated several years ago. Written there, were my grandmother's words, "My granddaughter is Miyazawa Sae, AKB48 K Team's member. Please support her." At the time the postcard was written, Team K was called K Team, my grandmother has been asking her friends to support me since so long ago...... And she also went as far as writting the furigana "e-ke-bi-" for AKB. Even though she did all these, I still thought that she didn't praise me, I'm sorry......

Finally, I broke down in tears, grandma. But these are tears of joy, so I have not been defeated right? And I'd also like to say, thank you...... I feel even happier than being praised.

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