Kamis, 10 November 2011

Here we are

Me today

Today, as usually i went to 1b. But not 4 work because today is my offday. Tujuan : interview keja at adidas and wanna see some magic from  magician boy. Unfortunately 2-2 tujuan ini gagal dilaksanakan. Sigh~ Here's the strories..

1) At 2.40PM i arrived at 1b. Dan terus berjumpa dgn sahabat baik sy, Felicia Francis. Ngam2 masa rest dia so we went there at Adidas Boutique met my buddy from FOS, Habil. But sadly he said the manager having meeting right at the moment. So, ive gotta meet her tomorrow. The magician boy also gone for nowhere. *sigh

Boring2 sempat lg snap pic. 3 of us. Habil, me and Fely
2) After that, we've coincidently met Asmirah Basirian a.k.a Mira at 1st floor between Dome and Secret Recipe. Jejak Kasih selama 4minit di antara mereka. FYI, Mira was Pra-U student and at the same class with Fely.

Jejak Kasih
3) I went to my workplace ; Kenny Rogers lepaking there, kacau si kembar makan, having conversation with Raman, Raffi and Sir Herman. Tujuan utama wanna change my jadual time 4 tomorrow. So I've met manager yg senang digoda, Sir Azman and Sir Masarie. And they agreed to change my work time from 6PM to 5PM (in very pervert way) Yayy tepaksa goda demi tukar jadual =..= And berjaya hoho! But request terakhir sy that. Actually they cannot change the jadual suka hati mereka walaupun mereka merupakan manager. Hee sorry la i just dun wanna work at closing time. Such a penat!

Credit to Raffi
4) And finally I go back Fely's workplace at Bausch J. Her rest 4 da 2nd time. We've met our buddy at Poney, Sabrie Yusof. And go jalan-jalan menghabiskan waktu rehat mereka. Here we are~

ngam2 terjumpa si kembar 2 org ini.
di sini lah tempat sy selalu melepak.

mentang2 sdh gaji. kasi jeles sy ja kmu 2 ni try2 bju
Im da taller one XD
Best buddiez. Made in Pra-U SMKT
Trio <3

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