Kamis, 10 November 2011

HKT48 members profile pictures

HKT48's site has finally been updated with the profile pictures of the members: http://www.hkt48.jp/profile.html

The girls all look lovely wearing checked school uniforms with a matching bow to go with it. The profiles gives basic information on each member's such as nicknames, date of births along with their special skill, charm points and their dreams for the future. My interest is currently on Murashige Anna, Miyawaki Sakura and the center for HKT Kodama Haruka. Now that the profile pictures are up, a debut next year perhaps? Anyways, check out the members profiles and see if any of them are likely to be your future HKT48 oshimen or perhaps of those who you have already decided to make your oshimen.






 1st Gen

Abe Kyoka
安陪 恭加
Anai Chihiro
穴井 千尋
Eto Sayaka
江藤 彩也香
Fukugawa Maiko
深川 舞子
Imada Mina
今田 美奈
Kodama Haruka
兒玉 遥
Komori Yui
古森 結衣
Kumazawa Serina
熊沢 世莉奈
Matsuoka Natsumi
松岡 菜摘
Miyawaki Sakura
宮脇 咲良
Moriyasu Madoka
森保 まどか
Motomura Aoi
本村 碧唯
Murashige Anna
村重 杏奈
Nakanishi Ayaka
仲西 彩佳
Nakanishi Chiori
中西 智代梨
Shimono Yuki
下野 由貴
Sugamoto Yuko
菅本 裕子
Tanaka Natsumi
田中 菜津美
Taniguchi Airi
谷口 愛理
Ueki Nao
植木 南央
Wakatabe Haruka
若田部 遥

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