Minggu, 12 September 2010

Kai Mascara Guard & Lash Comb Review

Kai Mascara Guard
Finally picked up the Kai Mascara Guard & Lash Comb the other day.
Read on for a detailed review.

I've been looking to purchase a mascara guard for a while now since I often accidentally swipe mascara onto my eyeshadow. Finally found Kai's version at Mitsuwa the other day for $4.99. Hurray! I immediately threw it into my shopping basket.

Here are my bare lashes:
Kai Mascara Guard 01 Bare Lashes

Here is the mascara guard held over my right eye:
Kai Mascara Guard 02

Applying a couple coats of mascara: Tarte & Majolica Majorca:
Kai Mascara Guard 03

Seems like I need to apply mascara with less of a heavy hand. I was easily able to swipe off of the mascara guard onto my eyeshadow. :/
Kai Mascara Guard 04

I tried the mascara guard for my bottom lashes too:
Kai Mascara Guard 05

Worked out pretty well:
Kai Mascara Guard 06

My Tarte mascara is getting old. It dried super quickly and one of my lower lashes got stuck to the mascara guard. :/
Kai Mascara Guard 07

Kai Mascara Guard 08

I tried the Kai Mascara Guard again with my left eye and things turned out a lot better. I applied mascara with a lighter hand and not once did I get any mascara on my eyelid.

My Thoughts: Granted, I can't always achieve as much volume as I'd like while using the mascara guard since it prevents the mascara from reaching the back of my lashes but I love that it keeps mascara off my lids where it doesn't belong. After using the mascara guard to create a base layer of mascara, you can always gently swipe your lashes a few more times without the mascara guard to give it a little more va-va-voom which is what I ended up doing with my right lashes. The gentle post-mascara-guard swipes won't end up on your eyelids cause you're already created the necessary base and you'd just be worrying about touch-ups and little add-ons of volume. Make sure to clean your mascara guard each time so that the dried clumps of mascara don't end up on your lashes the next time you use the mascara guard.

Verdict: Love it! Will be purchasing again if ever this one broke or anything.

I haven't been able to try out the lash comb yet but will update this review if I do.

Where To Purchase:
Webichi.com $5.19
Cosmelandusa.com $4.99

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