Jumat, 24 September 2010

Laneige Water Bank Essence Review

Laneige Water Bank Essence
Isn't the cover pretty??

T recently returned from a trip to Asia and brought me back a gift! Knowing that I've been eying Laneige products for a while now, she got me a Laneige Water Bank Essence Special Set! Thank you, T~ :) The Water Bank Essence Special Set came with a full size bottle of Laneige Water Bank Essence and samples of Power Essential Skin Refiner, Balancing Emulsion, Water Bank Moisture Cream, and Water Sleeping Pack.

Laneige Water Bank Essence
This box lies under the decorative cover.

Laneige Water Bank Essence
Then you unwrap that layer and you get to the goodies~

Laneige Water Bank Essence

Here is a review on the Water Bank Essence:

- Two pumps is just enough to cover my face and neck.

Less than a pump is shown here:
Laneige Water Bank Essence

Very watery and thin in consistency:
Laneige Water Bank Essence

Fully absorbed:
Laneige Water Bank Essence

- Gorgeous! Glass bottle with hygienic pump dispenser.

My Thoughts
- The watery texture works great for when my skin feels like it needs a bit of extra moisturization during the day and I don't want to pack on something too thick like lotion.
- Feels a bit tacky immediately after application but sinks in well after a few minutes.
- I noticed that quite a few reviews have complained about this product not being moisturizing enough but according to Laneige, essence is the 2nd to last step in your skin care routine, not supposed to the last step. Cream goes last. If cream is too thick for you, try something with a thinner consistency like lotion. I imagine this might be good for those with oily skin to use in the summer since it's not very heavy.
- Is scented.
- Did not irritate my sensitive skin.
- No noticeable changes in my skin but the extra moisturization is nice to have.

I'd most likely repurchase this for myself for use in the winter time when my skin needs extra moisture. Otherwise, it feels like a nice little treat if I have time to add an extra step in my skin care routine. I've been using it for a little over a week now (only during the night time) and whenever I wake up the next morning, my skin looks radiant and supple.

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