The Best Eyelash Curler: Koji Eyelash Curler No. 72 + Food + Ameba Pigg
My favorite eyelash curlers, hands down, are Koji Eyelash Curlers No. 70 & No. 72. Both have a width of 33mm which fits my eye really well! I purchased No. 72 because I wanted to have something small and compact to fit into my makeup pouch. Problem is, I kind of broke mine in the sense that one of the handles won't bend into it's compact form anymore. It still works perfect fine otherwise and curlers my lashes like no other curler ever has.
Other eyelash curlers I've tried & didn't work as well:
*A note about Revlon Cushion Grip Lash Curler: The old model used to have a puffy rubber pad like my Koji Eyelash Curler does but they revamped it after a few years into the flat model you see these days (image in 2nd half of post). The new flat rubber pad doesn't work well on my lashes. After they changed it, the new eyelash curler started pinching my eyelids left and right. Which is really painful!
I always get really good results with Koji Eyelash Curler No. 72.
I can get right to the base of my lashes which makes for an amazing curl.
I rarely ever pinch my lashes with this Koji eyelash curler. I don't even know if I ever have. AND it's never PULLED out any of my lashes. With my old Revlon eyelash curler on the other hand, my lashes used to always get stuck in between the metal parts of the curler and I'd have to yank out a lash or two. :( Not cool.
Here is a comparison between Revlon's Cushion Grip Lash Curler and Koji's Eyelash Curler No. 72.
I used to really like Revlon's Cushion Grip Lash Curler when it had the puffy rubber pad.
But I don't think I knew any better since this was my first eyelash curler. Koji's fits the shape of my eyes sooooo much better. Here you can really see the difference between the shape of the eyelash curlers.
Revlon's is super curved while Koji's is a bit more flattened out and wider.
Uncurled lashes.
Left: Revlon
You can see here that there is a lot of space between Revlon's eyelash curler and my eyelid.
Right: Koji
Koji Eyelash Curler has closed the gap between the curler and my lid completely. The edge of the eyelash curler is at the base of my lashes.
Left: Revlon
You can see that when I clamp down on the Revlon eyelash curler, it only reaches a portion of my lashes.
Right: Koji
Pictures explain it all.
Again, here are my results with Koji Eyelash Curler No. 73. Love itttt!
Will keep repurchasing again and again and again and again.
I've also tried Koji Eyelash Curler No. 73 but for some reason, didn't get as good results as with No. 72. I guess my eyes fit best with 33mm eyelash curlers.
Another Koji eyelash curler I really want to try is Koji Curving Eyelash Curler. 38 mm. Whaaat. Haha. I wonder if it would pinch my eyelids.
Here is a chart I made on all the currently available Koji Eyelash Curlers. I was super confused when first researching Koji Eyelash Curlers because there are just SO MANY. Hopefully this chart isn't too confusing and actually helps!
*Note* I can't seem to click on the picture to view the image with the actual dimensions so I've embedded another below. Hopefully this one works.
Strawberry Italian Soda. Delicious. :) I've been making mango italian sodas at home a lot recently since it's been so warm.
Kirin Torotoro Peach and Mango drink. A little too sweet for my taste. But the bottle is adorable! Haha~
Kimbabbbbbbb! I love love love kimbap.
Mango mousse with real mango bits and white chocolate shavings. Mmm~
. . . . .
Ameba Pigg
I saw Yumeko's post about Ameba Pigg and decided to make one for myself this morning. My limited knowledge of the Japanese language only got me through the initial sign up and character creation. I was totally lost after that. XD
K, this character reminds me of you. 眠いです~ Haha
Tomorrow, I'll be doing a CeraVe vs Cetaphil comparison. Stay tuned!
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