Rabu, 01 September 2010

Panasonic Heated Eyelash Curler EH 2351 AC Review

I became infatuated with Panasonic's heated eyelash curler after seeing a fabulous review of it on Ekimura.blogspot.com a while back. Thank you to 6Star for getting this for me. :)

I really like eyelash curlers since that's about the best I can do when it comes to my makeup (curl my lashes, hah) so this one was a definite need-to-try!

After you turn it on, you'll slowly see the indicator on the back turn from purple to pink, indicating that it has warmed up.

Here you can see the indicator on the back is pink. Usually the entire indicator is pink. I'm not sure why it wasn't fully colored this time. Perhaps the battery is running out? Not sure.

Either way, this is usually what my results look like, with a fully charged battery of not. Some lift to my dead-straight lashes. Not a lot of curl.

I've also tried Ekimura's way and applied mascara first, curl only at the base and then bend your lashes at the tip using the heated eyelash curler. Doesn't really work for me. :/ To each his own. I think I'll stick with my fabulous (and a lot faster) Koji Eyelash Curler.

Fixed with my Koji Eyelash Curler No. 72.

Would I repurchase? Nope.

Tomorrow, I have a review on my favorite eyelash curler: Koji Eyelash Curler No. 72.

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