Minggu, 05 September 2010

Mascara Fail & Adventures in Cooking

Any mascara that makes my eyelashes droop is a tosser for me. What's the point of curling my lashes if the mascara doesn't keep them perky? Maybelline Intense XXL Mascara was no exception.

Freshly curled lashes.
Oh man. My eye bags are lookin' kind of wrinkly....

Lashes with primer applied.

A couple coats of Maybelline Intense XXL Mascara applied.

A few minutes later, my lashes have lost their curl.

Before and after comparison.

+ Doesn't flake or smudge
+ Easy to remove

- Can't hold a curl
- Doesn't add XXL volume or length as described

Does anyone have any good recommendations for drugstore mascaras? I love trying new mascaras but I still haven't found any American drugstore HG mascaras yet.

Adventures in Cooking

For my birthday, I received a copy of Thomas Keller's The French Laundry Cookbook. I've heard so many good things about his restaurant and book so I've been eying this cookbook for quite some time. I decided to start with what sounded like one of the easier recipes since I don't cook very often and am still new to the kitchen: Gazpacho with Balsamic Glaze.

I'm fairly sure something went wrong somewhere along the way. The soup tasted a bit too tangy if not salty for my tastes. I didn't have parsley in the kitchen so I had to omit that. I don't know if it would have helped with the saltiness though.

Drinking it cold brought out all of the flavors so well, I must admit. The first spoonful tasted like onions. The next tasted like cucumbers. I could taste the tomatoes. But it was just a bit too much for me. Warming the soup up really helped bring down the flavors a bit.

In the end, we used the chunky part as dip....

I can just see Thomas Keller frowning at me, now. :/


On a different note, I'll be switching picture hosts soon from Picasa to Flickr. Hopefully my pictures will look better this way!

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